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Chatty Cherry

when jsilva and jenn ran away with like 50 swaps and never sent anyone stuff and took all their money? good times lol.
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: remember
Omgosh... I remember the names for sure! Crazy times...
Word of 2025 - APPRECIATE 
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Cherry Crush

Re: remember
That was about the end of the swaps here, I think.
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Cherry Tart

Re: remember
I totally remember that too!!! I found a bunch of old swaps that I never used!

Can't remember the name I was using back then.... but it was Niki something.

Havn't been on here in forever. But still do keep in touch with some from here.

Miss swaps though. They were fun. Too bad some had to go and ruin it!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember
Okay it was just Niki.... I found it!!! YEA!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: remember
Niki, funny you should talk about finding old swaps. We pulled totes out of storage and I have so many in there that I never used. It's been awhile since I've been on the message board. I still order from ACOT but never come here. I too miss swaps.

Carolyn - formally known as CarJohn
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Cherry Crush

Re: remember
Niki and Carolyn! So happy to see you two back here. :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember
Hey Carolyn!!!

I see you posting on facebook sometimes. I actually went through my old swaps and pulled a lot of the stuff out that was useful. Since I am scrapping now on a smaller size a lot of the stuff was just too big. But it was fun!!!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: remember
lol nikki i was going to say wasn't your handle just nikki lol.

i know i have totes of swaps downstairs. got mad when i didn't get a bunch of stuff and since i was finishing up nursing school i really didn't have time anyway lol. i'm just starting to get this house in order and hoping i can maybe get to my scrap room tonight yet, maybe tomorrow. it's been so long since i've played with my things that i don't even know what i have anymore lol

it's going to be a fun journey for sure to play with my stuff. i'm sure once i go through everything i will have so much that maybe i'll just donate some to the school because they have scrapbook classes there that the kids can take. or give my sister what she wants lol
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember
I have so much stuff, I am trying really hard to just use what I have and not buy anything else. But I keep running across topics that I just don't have anything for. So I have actually been using some of the generic swap stuff for these pages.
Use to love to make swaps for themes that I needed. Oh well
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember
Came to visit and saw this!  I remember this!  There was another chick too that did the very same but I can not remember the name..... I was sooo mad!  LOL!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: remember
OMG, how awful! No wonder no one responded when I mentioned doing a swap or two a couple of years ago. I was new then, and I'm guessing people were still smarting from being taken. That's just terrible! What year was that? I didn't know that happened!
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