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Cherry Crush

Special Announcement about MMC's
For those who haven't got the schedule down, yet, I will be hosting Monday Mini Crops every other Monday. So the next one is next Monday, June 17. :)

I would like to make a request that everyone who participates be sure to put your entries into the proper challenge galleries. Posting on the thread is nice, but it is so much easier to go to the gallery and see the layouts all there in one place. I love that Brandon has it so we can all make our own galleries, now! This time, there were a lot that were missing in the gallery and I don't know why. I did check all the threads, though. I think if you edit your layout, then it unchecks the gallery box even if you already had it in there? I have had no trouble loading things into galleries since Brandon fixed it a couple weeks ago, but that might be the glitch.

At any rate, these are the ladies whose entries were on the thread but not in the galleries (some of you were in some challenge galleries, but not all):
Carla W.

Please, everyone do a double check a day or two after you upload your layouts. :)
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
That is interesting Laura because I did check the box to put mine in the gallery. I did edit it though so you might be right about the glitch.

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Cherry Bark

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
pawprints wrote:That is interesting Laura because I did check the box to put mine in the gallery. I did edit it though so you might be right about the glitch.

Ditto. I see mine is in #1 & #3, but not in #2 & #4. But I did edit those two submissions, so maybe there is a glitch??
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I'll double check all of mine too when I can get to my computer. Thanks for the heads up.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
AWWWW. Every OTHER Monday, and here I am looking for it today. bummer.

Will write it on the calender for next Monday though.
Karen in SC
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I can't even see your challenges on home page at all. I just went all the way thru current challenges, and nothing. Also, I only did 2, but I am pretty sure I clicked the box. Hmmmmm.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
oceanbreezes423 wrote:I can't even see your challenges on home page at all. I just went all the way thru current challenges, and nothing. Also, I only did 2, but I am pretty sure I clicked the box. Hmmmmm.
If you look over to the left side, there are a list of Closed Challenges. If you hover over the More, you will see them. :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
Hmmm...I thought I loaded mine correctly but I'm new to the gallery so I guess I've got to remember to go back and check. Thanks!!
** Chris **

My blog: http://mommomandpoppop.blogspot.com/

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Wild Cherry

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I put a check for each of the challenges that I entered so I'm not sure what happened.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I have noticed when you edit your layout it will POP out of whichever folder you put it in so you have to make sure the box is still checked. Often times I can't see very many of the open folders at all. I can see them as options when I upload a layout though.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
Yes - there is definitely a glitch when editing. You have to edit a second time and recheck the box.
- Valerie/stateless
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Cherry Cola

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I'm glad I read this thread........a bunch of my LOs for other challenges disappeared from the gallery categories! Because I went back to edit which products I used. Fixed now, but took awhile and some frustration. Time for lunch!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I put 2 LO`s in the gallery. For the mini challenge. And clicked the boxes. Think I edited too.

Are you now saying we have to edit twice?

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Cherry Crush

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
cat1393 wrote:I put 2 LO`s in the gallery. For the mini challenge. And clicked the boxes. Think I edited too.

Are you now saying we have to edit twice?
No, but you need to make sure when you edit that the box is still checked...it unchecks the challenge boxes when you edit. I did see your 2 lo's for the MMC's though. :)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
Art_Teacher wrote:
cat1393 wrote:I put 2 LO`s in the gallery. For the mini challenge. And clicked the boxes. Think I edited too.

Are you now saying we have to edit twice?
No, but you need to make sure when you edit that the box is still checked...it unchecks the challenge boxes when you edit. I did see your 2 lo's for the MMC's though. :)

I had the opposite experience. When I edited the first time, the box was still checked. But when I checked the category, the layout was missing. So I edited a second time - the box was not checked, then I checked it and submitted. THEN it showed up. I think the moral of the story is to always check the gallery to make sure your layout is there. If not, go edit and fix it! Hopefully Brandon can fix this glitch.
- Valerie/stateless
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
I double checked all mine the other day that they were all checked, and they were, and when I viewed the gallery, they were all there. I dunno what's going on.
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


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Carla W.

Cherry Tart

Re: Special Announcement about MMC's
Because I am relatively new here, I'm not sure I know what I am doing if I go into edit anything. The one of mine that was not in the MMC gallery I think was the MMC1. When I went in to edit, I did not see a challenge box for MMC 1.

Also, is there a way to go to that gallery and see the layouts? I haven't figured it all out yet. :(

EDIT: I figured it out after I posted! I cannot edit the galley for that layout because that gallery is now closed.
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