Family bickering and just non-stop stress completely brought me down both emotionally and physically and I just couldn't handle it. Went to the chiropractor and he did some acupuncture to help me calm down and Bill took me to Sea World to be around my favorite things, plus made me get my face painted as a Pirate Bunny b/c of a bet I lost playing a Putt-Putt Game! The story behind the choice is that he lost a bet a year ago and I made him a Bunny to look like Gru from Despicable Me after the Carnival! So b/c I Lost the Game at a Pirates Cove Putt-Putt.. he got me good by making me a Pirate Bunny!!!! Love his creativity! There was no way I could not smile and laugh at this and make me forget all the stress I had just got through!

Thought you would all appreciate this and get a kick out of it! So yesterday marked 5 Years from when we committed our love to each other! So hard to believe how time has flown by!!! He has all of next week off, so we are gonna go celebrate..just have idea what we are doing yet!! lol!
SO Needless to say..... I have not even had a moment to think about scrapping but definitely saving all the inspiration and gonna get cracking by the end of the month!!! Looks like it was a GREAT Crop! I told myself I would have our Cruise Album done from 1 year of the date.......well this weekend marks 1 year ago we were on it...... and I'm not even close to half way done! Gonna get my butt in gear!!!!!!