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Bowl Full of Cherries

My Next Cherry Rank Is.........Updated With Sprinkles!!
Last year at the NSD Crop, a game was created to see if we could get to the next Cherry Rank before the end of the crop. Well, we only had that one day and it was a bit difficult for some to move up. I had a lot of fun playing it, and I did mov up. It also helped me over come my shyness because I had to post in order to start my move. Well, I was just going through the NSD 2013 Crop sign up post and noticed that there are so many new Cherries and others that I haven't seen on the board in a long time. So I thought this might be a fun way to get them to start posting and maybe we can get to know the new ones.
So here is how it works.......you need to reply to this thread with your CURRENT post count and rank in order to play. If/when you make it to the next rank come back and reply that you did it and you might just get some sprinkles! Don't forget you get points for every post you make as well so it is like a win-win situation. But don't stop there, come back again if/when you make it to the next rank after that. Everytime you move up a rank, come back here AGAIN and post "Oops I Did It Again" (I love that song) and post that you moved up another rank.

Here is my example - I am a Chocolate Covered Cherry with 7618 posts.

For the new Cherries and those of us who can't remember what the ranks are, here is a link to the Cherry Ranks. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=193371

Also for the new Cherries here is a link to see what you can do with those points that you earn. http://www.acherryontop.com/articles/help/1477

For anyone that moves up more then one rank, I could possibly have either bonus sprinkles or a prize even:) Good luck everyone and let's get chatty!!!!!
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Oh Mildred, that's fun. I think it's fun - I'll have to go see how many more posts I need to "move up". LOVE IT!!!

Well, the way I chatter and yack - I should make it by tomorrow - I need 700ish.

I need 450 now!!
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Cherry Bark

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Yay! So glad one of the hostesses are doing this. I always love seeing how everybody moves up in the Cherry World! :)

I am a Bowl Full of Cherries with 20105 Posts.

1896 to get to next level - Chatty Cherry
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Last crop a game was invented???? Girl, I did that for ages ;-)

It was fun and I did have fun looking at everyone movin' on up :)

One thing i noticed that did make it easier for the person checking it, is if when a cherry moves up they go and edit their original post leaving the starting post there and adding that they made it.

Personally I am at the cherry count where I don't think I could EVAH move up!

HAVE FUN ladies!!!!!!!
SUS ImageImageImage
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
suslvgeo wrote:Last crop a game was invented???? Girl, I did that for ages ;-)

It was fun and I did have fun looking at everyone movin' on up :)

One thing i noticed that did make it easier for the person checking it, is if when a cherry moves up they go and edit their original post leaving the starting post there and adding that they made it.

Personally I am at the cherry count where I don't think I could EVAH move up!

HAVE FUN ladies!!!!!!!
Great idea and thank you for it. I really appreciate it and had fun playing this last year :-D
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Cola

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I am at Cherry Bomb with 3896 posts..... 4000 is the mark to move up, so doable for me!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
My next rank is Cherry Bing. After this post I will need 653 more post. It is going to be hard since I can't make it to the crop. :waiting: Of all days to have to go to a wedding. There she be a law against weddings on NSD!!! LOL
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Cherry Blossom

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I am a cherry blossom with 465 points. This will be my very first NSBD crop!!! I'm so excited!:-D
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Melissa S.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I need to post to see what I am :)

I'm a cherry blossom with 161 posts.
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Wild Cherry

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Let's see.... I am a Cherry Bing 2403

I need 598 to make it to a Cherry Bomb Ok I am working on it....I am 2421 now only 580 to go!!

Well today is Friday and i have 373 to go....probably won't hit the mark before tomorrow but I have been posting my little fingers away this week!!! :-D

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Cherry Cropper

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Currently, I'm a Cherry Cola with 6629 posts (counting this one) so to move to Chocolate Covered Cherry, I need 871 more posts.

I think I can do it!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Love it!!! Ok, here is where I am at.

I am a Cherry Cola, at 5184 points. I need to reach 7501 for the next rank, lol, which I can honestly say will not happen, lol. But here it is.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Sounds FUN! I recently moved up to Cherry Bomb and I have 3091 points! :inlove:

My next rank is.....Cherry Garcia 4001. Only 910 posts to go! :winkb:
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Well I better get chatting.....

I'm a cherry cola at 5512, next level is chocolate covered cherry at 7501. Only need 1989 points. ;)
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Cherry Addict

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I am a Bowl Full of Cherries with 20,837 as of this post. I need to get to 22,001 to be a Chatty Cherry.

Ummm.....I thought I already WAS chatty? LOL!!!
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Hi,I'm a Cherry Cropper at 11379. I just need 620 after this post to get to the next level of Cherry Jubilee! When we've had Friday Night Chat's I've been able to get 200. We'll see, if I get to play all day long, I might just make it!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I am a cherry bomb with 3971 posts
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
Love this game Mildred. I am currently a Chocolate Covered Cherry at 9,708 with this post. To get to the next level as a Cherry Cropper I need to get to 10,001. I only need 293 posts. Very doable with 11 days to the crop.
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Wild Cherry

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
I'm a Chocolate Covered Cherry with 7969 points. At 10001 I become a Cherry Cropper. Can this cherry crop enough crop points to crop herself to Cherry Cropper?

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My Next Cherry Rank Is.........
debamas wrote:I'm a Chocolate Covered Cherry with 7969 points. At 10001 I become a Cherry Cropper. Can this cherry crop enough crop points to crop herself to Cherry Cropper?

LOL! Nothing like creating your own tongue twister!
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