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Cherry Tart

Avid. Avid, Avid Reader!!!
I have a NOOK. My Hubby gave it to me for Christmas when It very first came out(knowing what an avid reader I am) I thought that i would miss the feel of a book in my hand but It didn't take long to love my Nook. my nook has been wonderful. You can download (online) from your public library with just your library card info. Because I got the first NOOK I would love to update to a new one but this one is still going strong and a mini clip on light works great in the bed whwhen hubby is sleeping to get up for work the next morning. With a good book I will read all night (and into the morning).
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Avid. Avid, Avid Reader!!!
Oh I'm so happy for you. I wanted to love mine, too.

I got a Kindle Fire. I hated it. HATED it. It did so much more than what I wanted it to do, I just want a simple reader. So while it was still in the "return" policy stage - it went back. Then my son talked to me and said get the plain ordinary Kindle, which I did, which I have.

And I hate that too. I miss my books. I love my books, in my hand, and I just read two wonderful books and they are "stuck" on a stupid handheld thing.

So for Christmas I asked for several books - and after each one I said NOT a KINDLE VERSION!!!!

Isn't it funny how we all look at things differently? I told my son that if I were traveling or went places and wanted the convenience of getting a new book at a moment's notice - yep - great. But I've decided these readers are not for me.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Avid. Avid, Avid Reader!!!
I love to read! I can slip a book into my purse to go with me anywhere. I take it out even in line at Walmart (you know how long that can be!). I find it very convenient and easy to do. And it usually opens right up to the last page I was on. DH has a Kindle DH which he uses all the time. But I see the problems he has with it and I am a little turned off by it even though I have not tried to read anything interesting to me on it. Maybe that is not a fair trial. Basically, I am too cheap to buy a book. I only read found or borrowed books. I read just about anything, except really raunchy or violent books. I enjoy historical romance, current romance, ok, any romance. LOL Also, mystery and drama, biographies and historical fiction.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Avid. Avid, Avid Reader!!!
I have toyed with getting one, but still am not convinced. I love to read and would love the convenience of just carrying the Kindle since the books I tend to read are generally 700-800 pages plus. But I like a traditional book too. My daughter thinks e-readers are evil. She loves the smell of books and has threatened to disown me if I ever get an e-reader lol.
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