if you like reading, want to read or want to watch others talk about what they read, then check out www.goodreads.com. it's a pretty cool site, kinda like netflix for books in that you can build a virtual library of books you have read, are reading and want to read. You can review books, even update your current status while reading. And it links to Facebook as well. I'd love to have more friends linked to goodreads so I can spy on what you're reading too. 

I have not heard of this site, but I read all the time! Mostly easy, mind wasting romantic stuff, but all the time! lol
Oh, sounds cool. I will have to check it out! I never have enough to read and am always looking for new series.

Sweet! Me and my friends get together once a month to discuss a book during Book Club. I'll defintely check it out and let them know. TFS!

I linked up to goodreads, love it! I will search you girls out!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/
I want to sign up, but is it like Facebook? Do you have to use your real name? I hated Facebook and deleted my account. I love books but I don't want the stress of the social networking thing.
Im on there too, here is my link if you want to ad me as a friend.
I don't think you have to use your real name. I used myn real name but only Melanie shows up.Croppinmama wrote:I want to sign up, but is it like Facebook? Do you have to use your real name? I hated Facebook and deleted my account. I love books but I don't want the stress of the social networking thing.
Thanks Melanie. I see only my first name showed up. I'm learning how to use it, thanks for the link 

MamaK321 wrote:If you have a smartphone, definitely get the app! I use it all the time at the bookstore to add new titles to my "must read" list. The app is cool cause you can scan the book's barcode
Ok, thanks I will have to get the app. That will come in handy when I go to used book stores. I will friend everyone too, I just haven't had time to go back on. I spent an hour on it and I love it so far.

I'll have to sign up, too! Thank you!
Scanning is also good for your own bookshelf. Saves time and brings up the right copy.MamaK321 wrote:If you have a smartphone, definitely get the app! I use it all the time at the bookstore to add new titles to my "must read" list. The app is cool cause you can scan the book's barcode
I'm on goodreads! I enjoy seeing the reviews and putting in all my books. That way I know if I've read them already and won't buy the same book twice. haha! 
I'm not sure how you'd find me on there but I'm there as Jennifer Daeninck.

I'm not sure how you'd find me on there but I'm there as Jennifer Daeninck.
