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Cherry Bing

Nurse maid to a border collie
I kind of figured getting Bree spayed would take me staying home from work for a week. She is so quirky. I put the cone on her before bed last night and she kept doing the floppy crappie all over I just slept in the living room with her. She snuggled (crazy- I KNOW!) with me and slept on the couch by me the rest of the night. I am pretty tired. I kept waking up. Hopefully it gets easier as the week progresses!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Here's to her feeling better, and you getting some sleep!!!! Good luck, should get better soon.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Awe...Bree wanted her Mommy. Hope things do get easier for her and she feels better. I just took Penny to get spayed today.

And you need to get some sleep.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Hope she starts feeling better soon.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Glad she settled down finally. Yep, she needed you snuggled with her. Hope you both sleep better tonight.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Sounds like she has a great mommy to take such good care of here.

Hope you both sleep better tonight.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
I hope she is feeling better soon, cuddles make it all go away (my human kids think so anyway.)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Nurse maid to a border collie
Poor Baby - hope she feels better soon!!!
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