one item 100 points
two items 200 points
three items 300 points

Peeps who got one item:
no one got two...BUT Sandi0805 got THREE
I am going to TRY to put the items I got next to the clues.....TRY is the operative word there. LOL
I got some points that Kristin dumped into my account in case I ever want to be the sprinkle fairy. I would love to do that occassionally so here I am....
What you need to do is guess an item from my order (most of it was new stuff--past two months or so) you get three guesses (please put it all in one comment...which you can edit if you want) if you guess one of the items...you will get 25 points. Two of the items 50 points and three of the items a 100 points!! and if no one gets any I might just do some random if you are clooooose.

You will have until Memorial day is over so basically Tuesday.

As always, any questions don't hesitate to ask!!
Some clues:
Ride em cowboy--drink

Laundry??https://www.acherryontop.com/shop/15643 ... vas%20Corp (this one was tough...no one got it, not a good clue me thinks?

working hours


great place for notes

would...oh wait WOOD...