ok this is a 200 ct plastic bayer aspirin bottle. painted with acryllic paint, decorated with ribbon and flower around top, sticker alpha for word, and flower soft strips down the sided to hide the raised embossing that said BAYER.

I took an empty French's Fried Onions container. Used some Basic Grey scraps of paper (leftovers on my desk from recent layouts), MAMBI alphas, and Basic Grey flower stickers and a piece of bling.


I altered an empty clorox wipe container .... I deco mod podged coloured coffee filters over it , then trimmed in lace and finishing with a paper flower I made

Here is mine:
I used a soup can, painted it and added some ribbon and paper. Makes a nice pen holder.

I took an old candle jar, cleaned it out and made it pretty. It can hold paper clips or something like that.

- Valerie/stateless
I altered my daughter's plain pink headband with flowers and a black & white brad. Now she doesn't wear any others and wants me to do one for her friend
I guess she likes it LOL!
http://www.acherryontop.com/gallery/use ... d-headband

http://www.acherryontop.com/gallery/use ... d-headband
Happy Scrapping!
