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Cherry Tart

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
Thank you all for joining us here. We loved your questions and chatting with you all.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
Thanks, Authentique! I'm so excited to be one of the winners! Can't wait to see the product up close and personal.

blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Cherry Addict

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
authentique wrote:
1grandma wrote:Being made in the USA gives us jobs. And there are so many out there who need a job. Thanks for loving America so much that you stay here.
Thank you so much for recognizing this. Hopefully when you compare us to other companies, you will remember this. Even though we may not have the frills some do, we take pride in the way we create our products.
We can get frills anywhere and I do love them, but I would not be able to buy them if I did not have a job. My son is out of a job now so it means a lot when someone bucks the system and stays here. Thanks. I am going to have to spend some $$$ in your store just to support you. Isn't that as good of an excuse as any? I have not check out your lines, but I am going to do just that. Thanks for the run-down of the lines and their themes. That is very helpful.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
Congrats to all the lucky winners! You won some faulous stuff!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
Aw, I'm bummed I miss this chat. I'm gonna have to go back and read it when I have more time. :bluewinka:
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Cherry Tart

Re: Authentique Live Chat Meets Here - Giveaways!!!
Where do I see layouts and designs?
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