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Cherry Addict

If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
I pulled a good one this week. One of the other guard moms is a real bee-otch. She thinks her daughter is a prima donna and better than anyone else, she has tried to cause probelms with the other parents and tried to get the coach into trouble by telling lies, and the list goes on. Her husband has an "on the side" photography business, and took the group's guard pictures last year. Well, to put it mild, they sucked. My dd's face was totally in shadow, the focus was off, and they were outrageoously expense for the poor quality. Well, he is taking them again this year. Another mom, who also has a photography business and is light years ahead of this guy, texted me and said she wasn't taking her DD for the pictures, and cited reasons much the same as mine. I agreed, told her so, and decided to let the coach know why we wouldn't be there. So I sent an email to the coach that unless his picture quality had improved significantly since last year, which I doubted, they sucked, they are grossly over priced ($35 for one team 5x7, one individual 5x7, and 4 wallets, and they were such poor quality last year!), and wiht all the crap Marsha has pulled over the past year, I didn't want any of my money going to them. Well guess what?

I'm sure you figured it out already...I didn't send the email to the coach. I clicked on the wrong email to respond to, and sent the email to the Mom in question. I have to admit I laughed...told 2 other guard moms about it (who also don't like this woman), and they about fell over laughing. I also told the coach what I had done, as my only regret is that I dn't want it to fall back on her somehow. I also sent an email to Marsha, detailing that I obviously had not intended she receive that email and I apologized for my harsh words. I didn't apologize for the content of what I said, merely that she had gotten it and for the harshness of my words.

Well, as expected, she blasted back at me with nothing more than lies, which went back and forth a couple of times, and her last email was defending her husband's name in saying "If someone defecates me or my family, I will fight back with everything I have." I sent back one more....told her I think the word she wanted was to defamate, not defecate, and that I probably wouldln't be happy if someone pooped on me either. Petty, I know, but I enjoyed it. Meanwhile the other moms and the coach are laughing about the whole thing. There's more to it, but suffice to say she will never consider my an ally to her evil works lol. And this is a mom who has NEVER come to any of the competitions!

I can't say I feel bad, because I don't. I probably should, but I simply don't. There is too much history of this woman's meddling and interfering for me to regret it. Chalk it up to more drama for the season.

Then....last night, I was juggling a number of items as I was getting into the jeep heading to work. Amongst my possessions was a full 24 oz bottle of diet Coke. Well, things shifted as I tried to open the door and I dropped it...right onto my big toe. Of course it immediately began to swell and discolor, and I let out a few choice words (but NOT expletives, and I am very proud of myself for that!). My work shoes had gotten stolen at work the night before, so all I had to wear was my tennis shoes. After a few hours on my feet and 1600 mg of Motrin (yes I know, bigger than recommended dose, but us nurses don't always follow the rules), it was getting really uncomfortable. The swelling and bruising had extended into my second toe and the ball of my foot, and really hurt to try to move my toes. The advantage of working in the er? You get to have xrays taken wtihout encountering the ER charge....the unofficial channels are great. Took the xray back to the ER doc....he confirmed what I had already identified, I have a crack in the bone of my big toe. I broke my flippin' big toe when I dropped a bottle of pop on it! How is THAT for weird? Hit just right I guess, or just wrong, depending on how you look at it.

So let's see..... 1) shoes stolen 2) email to the wrong person 3) broke my toe.

Anyone want to guess what happens next?

Maybe I go buy new least that part is good! lol
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
oh, boy...that's definitely a doozie. Hope the rest of your week is better.
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Cherry Bark

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
Wow Nancy. Not sure if I should LOL, CRY, or BOTH!

First of all, don't feel bad about the email. It happens to everyone. And you had me ROFL when you said she used the word "defecate". If you're gonna defend your family, get your words right!

I have never heard of anybody breaking their toe from a 24 oz bottle of soda. Wow! Caarrraaazzzyy!!

Hope your week gets better. But hey, now you have something to laugh about it.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
So, do you plan to journal/scrapbook your email gaff?
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Cherry Addict

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
blbabe1234 wrote:Wow Nancy. Not sure if I should LOL, CRY, or BOTH!

First of all, don't feel bad about the email. It happens to everyone. And you had me ROFL when you said she used the word "defecate". If you're gonna defend your family, get your words right!

I have never heard of anybody breaking their toe from a 24 oz bottle of soda. Wow! Caarrraaazzzyy!!

Hope your week gets better. But hey, now you have something to laugh about it.
Oh, definitely laugh! It's just too weird not to laugh! And i about died when she used defecate too...she's trying to be impressive and use big words, and I am NOT the person to try to use big words on, because I can outdo her without even opening both eyes in the morning! lol

I think the whole thing is hilarious personally. Who else but me would all this happen to in one week? lol
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Cherry Bing

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
Oh my gosh - defecate? I about died. That is way too funny that you sent it to her. Glad to hear you stood up for the photo issue, I would guess many other parents felt the same?

Sorry about your toe/foot, but wow, from a bottle of pop! Who knew.

Well happy shoe shopping anyway. Can you wait till the swelling has come down in your toe/foot?
*** Christi ***
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Cherry Cola

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
I found it entertaining! And as for correcting the word about "poop" I would have done the same thing!!! (I'm a Language Arts teacher). Hilarious! Sorry, but sometimes it feels good to put someone in their place for a moment. Thanks for the chuckles.
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Cherry Addict

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
ernstem wrote:I found it entertaining! And as for correcting the word about "poop" I would have done the same thing!!! (I'm a Language Arts teacher). Hilarious! Sorry, but sometimes it feels good to put someone in their place for a moment. Thanks for the chuckles.
hee hee....I joke that "I'm jes a lil' ole' nurse!" But I grew up in a family that loved to read and we used words a lot of people don't use in everyday conversation. My oldest brother started this thing where he and a friend would compete to see who could add a new word to the conversation (and it had to be worked into the conversation, not just brought up) and stump the other one as to what it meant. I despise baby talk, and have always talked very grown up to my children. I don't even allow them the shortcuts when they text me that a lot of kids use, like "K" and "l8r". I operate under the theory know the word....USE IT. There is no limit on texts in this house, so what does it matter if one is a little longer and actually uses "2" texts? I want words right. I despise "my bad".....that is NOT a sentence! lol

I have had teachers comment that they can tell the way I talk to my kids for the words they use in everyday language... their vocabularies have always been way above what is expected for their grade level. And edit a paper? My kids have learned not to ask me to do that, because I will look for more than grammatical errors, I look at the entire set up of sentence structure to make it more interesting for the reader. My oldest calls me the grammar Nazi! lol
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Cherry Cola

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
Ayla wrote:
ernstem wrote:I found it entertaining! And as for correcting the word about "poop" I would have done the same thing!!! (I'm a Language Arts teacher). Hilarious! Sorry, but sometimes it feels good to put someone in their place for a moment. Thanks for the chuckles.
hee hee....I joke that "I'm jes a lil' ole' nurse!" But I grew up in a family that loved to read and we used words a lot of people don't use in everyday conversation. My oldest brother started this thing where he and a friend would compete to see who could add a new word to the conversation (and it had to be worked into the conversation, not just brought up) and stump the other one as to what it meant. I despise baby talk, and have always talked very grown up to my children. I don't even allow them the shortcuts when they text me that a lot of kids use, like "K" and "l8r". I operate under the theory know the word....USE IT. There is no limit on texts in this house, so what does it matter if one is a little longer and actually uses "2" texts? I want words right. I despise "my bad".....that is NOT a sentence! lol

I have had teachers comment that they can tell the way I talk to my kids for the words they use in everyday language... their vocabularies have always been way above what is expected for their grade level. And edit a paper? My kids have learned not to ask me to do that, because I will look for more than grammatical errors, I look at the entire set up of sentence structure to make it more interesting for the reader. My oldest calls me the grammar Nazi! lol
Oh I think we'd get along beautifully!!! I constantly correct my kids' grammar!! My 1st grader reads and speaks at a 5th grade level and his teacher has praised us for that recently. My boss at the YMCA asked me one time, "You never spoke baby talk to those kids...Did you?" We believe in speaking to the kids on a level they understand but also not "dummy-downing" the vocabulary. If they don't know a meaning, they ask us! My students for my evening job joke with me that when we edit/revise one of their papers........."going to mark it all up and rip it to pieces". :) I smiled while reading through your response. ;) Hehe!
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Cherry Addict

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
You are definitely a woman after my own heart! I despise the short cuts on texting. My bad? Nope, not me. Don't use that one either. My kids always ask me to read their papers because they respect my English usage and ability to help them do better. I am not perfect, but slightly better than OK.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
Wow Nancy! The defecate part was hysterical!

I'm one who never talked baby talk to my kids either, and we never spoke baby talk to Maddie either. She talked very young, and has an amazing vocabulary for a three and a half year old. Whenever she gets whinny dd always tells her to "use her words" to tell her what she wants. She watches a lot of Nick Jr and learns a lot of big words from that, along with many Spanish and Chinese words. It is amazing what she picks up.

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Cherry Bing

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
OMG.... not cool about the pop...a coworker tripped over a chair and did the same thing .

as for the are probably the teams hero...and as a thought they probably shouldn't pick someone who is related to any of the participants of the team.

And who the heck stole your shoes? seriously..a co worker or a patient?
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Cherry Bomb

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!

Okay, done laughing.

Wanna see my foot after I dropped a full pyrex bowl on it last week? It was purrrrty. Still is. We could match! Thankfully, it isn't broken though... I was lucky it was one of the small-er bowls... could've been worse. :P
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Cherry Bing

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
What a great thread, Nancy! Love that you corrected her!! I'm a grammar Nazi, too, I guess! My particular pet peeve are the words "bring" and "take". You see it novels, on the news, etc...the word "bring" is used when the word "take" should be. You can't "bring" something "there". You have to "take" it! I'm anal when it comes to that one!

So glad you corrected her on that word!! Hilarious. Sorry about your toe!
Image Charlene
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A Cherry on Top

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
What a week you've been having. I've sent a text to the wrong person before and it was a huge thing because I sent it to the person I was complaining about. Love that you corrected her and I can't believe someone stole your shoes.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
What a week! Hope your toe heals soon. And who the heck took the shoes? That is way weird! I hate the shortcuts on texting as well. My aunt, who is "extremely" educated (she is my age so she is more like a cousin) texts me and uses all the texting shortcuts. Drives me nut! I almost hate reading her texts. When I say extremely educated, she is a teacher but acts so superior in her knowledge it's sickening. Hope the rest of your week isn't so weird.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
Thanks for the funny stories - sorry you had to go through all the crap with the lady, tho!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
cort wrote:And who the heck stole your shoes? seriously..a co worker or a patient?
They were in the locker room, which is locked. Only our staff and housekeeping has access. I think, or at least like to think, that someone borrowed them because they forgot their own and then forgot and took them home. It makes me feel better about the people I work with anyway. It's not like they were expensive, or even attractive! They were plain brown solid top work clogs - Crocs. Cost all of $30.... but I like them!
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Cherry Picker

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
I know I shouldn't laugh but I know those moms and I know what you have been though. Way to go!!!!!!!! For some reason Mrs. Olson off of Little House popped into my head as I read your thread!!
yikes sorry about your broke toe. hope it heals fast!
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Cherry Cola

Re: If my week is this weird, what will happen next!
WOW girlie that is craziness! You poor thing! I hope your toe feels better soon...I've had several broken toes and it sucks.

*There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that can focus and those that HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!

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