I just came from the gallery, and I know the changes they made adding the 2 styles together at first made me think, "nice, I will be able to leave love on digi too". Well, I change my mind, if I can.
. The digi scrappers were concerned about losing their style, well, with 15 LO's on a page, on page 1, 14 are digi. I think we paper scrappers are getting lost. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at the digi, but as a paper only scrapper, I have to search quite a bit to find certain paper LO's. It must be digi is much faster to create and load???? This I am not sure of. I just know I am missing all the paper LO's, and am anxious to see what continued changes they make. Thanks for listening!

And....another reason why sometimes change is not a good thing.....I know some paper scrappers have left here.
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

Digi is faster to create and load, however, sadly, we are missing a huge group of our paper scrappers. Seems the CT brought alot of them here, not to mention all their beautiful layouts...
I do believe Brandon is working on a way to search out just paper layouts, though. The digi gallery always moves much faster, really. I think we will eventually get used to the changes, gals, just like we did when they switched the message board format over from the old to the new (that has been years ago, but it caused a big commotion, too).
I do believe Brandon is working on a way to search out just paper layouts, though. The digi gallery always moves much faster, really. I think we will eventually get used to the changes, gals, just like we did when they switched the message board format over from the old to the new (that has been years ago, but it caused a big commotion, too).


Very well said Susan and I totally agree. I would like to see them separated again. I am a paper only scrapper and really enjoyed looking through the gallery for inspiration and ideas.oceanbreezes423 wrote:I just came from the gallery, and I know the changes they made adding the 2 styles together at first made me think, "nice, I will be able to leave love on digi too". Well, I change my mind, if I can.. The digi scrappers were concerned about losing their style, well, with 15 LO's on a page, on page 1, 14 are digi. I think we paper scrappers are getting lost. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at the digi, but as a paper only scrapper, I have to search quite a bit to find certain paper LO's. It must be digi is much faster to create and load???? This I am not sure of. I just know I am missing all the paper LO's, and am anxious to see what continued changes they make. Thanks for listening!

Sadly, I have to agree also. Please I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way, but I have gotten the feeling that our input is not wanted anymore. I am not opposed to change. But I think an organization that has been predominantly a paper based company for a long time and has kept up with the industry by incorporating digital should be more in tune with the needs of the entire community.
The last couple of months a lot has changed with little to no explanation as to the coming changes and why they were necessary. I handle change a whole lot better when I hear the whole story.
The last couple of months a lot has changed with little to no explanation as to the coming changes and why they were necessary. I handle change a whole lot better when I hear the whole story.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.

Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
...I, too, liked having the separate galleries. I also commented to Brandon....that it would be nice to be able to click on a choice of seeing PAPER or DIGI. My reasoning for this is....IF I only scrap a certain way...I don't want to get excited about something....and then realize it wouldn't work for me.
Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

Ditto!FairyMouseMom wrote:...I, too, liked having the separate galleries. I also commented to Brandon....that it would be nice to be able to click on a choice of seeing PAPER or DIGI. My reasoning for this is....IF I only scrap a certain way...I don't want to get excited about something....and then realize it wouldn't work for me.

I would really like to see them separated too. I think it would be nice when we click on the big scrapbooking layouts square that we are taken to two other squares... one for digi and one for paper. I also liked when we first submitted our layouts we would be featured in the square until the next gallery submission. It just seemed cool to me to see my layout in the square, even if it was only for a few minutes or an hour or however long it was before the next gallery submission. It just felt good to see my layout there, as I imagine it did for all the Cherries. And when I saw the new format for the gallery front page I found it so exciting to see how big the square is now. How cool would it be to see the latest submission featured so large! I really do like the new gallery front page, A LOT, I just miss the separation of paper and digi and the few moments of fame (LOL) that we Cherries would get when we submitted.
After all the posts I have read and after visiting the gallery and submitting to the gallery, I really have decided that I am missing having paper and digi separate. And I am biscraptual. For those that only do one or the other, they must miss it even more. We go to the gallery to leave love, yes, but many go for inspiration. If you are looking to see paper inspiration, or digi inspiration, it is so much harder now. We are all scrappers yes, but digi and paper are two completely different ways of doing it and I really liked it better when we had them separate.
I also realize that we are not seeing the final result of what Kristin and Brandon are working on, so until then we have to be patient. I am also hoping that they are taking our input and concerns into consideration.
I am sorry to hear that we lost so many paper scrappers when the CT left, but we still have a lot of very talented people here, both paper and digi. I enjoy seeing everyone's work and have always made it a habit to visit both galleries when leaving love. It just doesn't feel right having them all lumped together, in my opinion.
After all the posts I have read and after visiting the gallery and submitting to the gallery, I really have decided that I am missing having paper and digi separate. And I am biscraptual. For those that only do one or the other, they must miss it even more. We go to the gallery to leave love, yes, but many go for inspiration. If you are looking to see paper inspiration, or digi inspiration, it is so much harder now. We are all scrappers yes, but digi and paper are two completely different ways of doing it and I really liked it better when we had them separate.
I also realize that we are not seeing the final result of what Kristin and Brandon are working on, so until then we have to be patient. I am also hoping that they are taking our input and concerns into consideration.
I am sorry to hear that we lost so many paper scrappers when the CT left, but we still have a lot of very talented people here, both paper and digi. I enjoy seeing everyone's work and have always made it a habit to visit both galleries when leaving love. It just doesn't feel right having them all lumped together, in my opinion.

Well I know Brandon specifically asked for our input, so if some of you have not seen that thread perhaps that will help. As far as paper layouts, I know I often wait until I have several done to photograph & upload & post them all at once, whereas most digi pages get posted as soon as they're done. (Pretty sure the end-of-month-rush is mostly paper, but I could be wrong! I sure know the paper-only gallery moved fast at month ends!) I'm sure if everyone hates it or we lose lots of paste eaters they will change it - and wow, doesn't it seem only a couple weeks ago that people were complaining digi were being 'left out'?! We're not an easy bunch to please! 

PezKat wrote:Well I know Brandon specifically asked for our input, so if some of you have not seen that thread perhaps that will help.
I am bi-scraptual. So I didn't just go into one gallery or the other. I used to actually turn off the separation by gallery type. And I would look at everything that had been posted say for the past week or so. I know that I have not been real regular about leaving love lately due to my schedule these past few months, but...
I can say from personal experience that given how fast the digi gallery moved, there have been times when a layout I submitted late in the evening, would sometimes only get one or two comments or NONE at all. This happened to a layout recently (uploaded last weekend - just as the gallery changed formats), so it's not a new phenomenon, but a recurring one for me. I was cruising the gallery over the weekend when playing one of the GCT games, and noticed that prior to the gallery change, paper layouts were getting many many more comments, or so it seemed to me.
I was hoping that we would learn to take inspiration from each side. Hence the reason for the challenge I offered this month. ( I honestly did not know about the plans to combine the galleries. ) The challenge was an effort on my part to encourage solidarity for the Cherry community, so that we can inspire each other, no matter what medium we use.
Granted there are some techniques that just don't cross - for example blending in digi work is a bit hard to do in paper. And paper tearing is kind of difficult to do in digi. But inspiration is more than technique or medium to me...it might the overall layout (like a sketch), or the color combination, or the title, or any number of things. We are all trying to preserve our memories. How we do it shouldn't divide us, but should unite us. We are all scrappers!
I have to say that I am encouraged by how quickly Brandon and his team have been responding to some of our suggestions in the other thread. And I'm anxious to see how he can give us the ability to search by either digi or paper, rather than just the individual techniques.

There are quite a few paper layouts that don't get any comments either, though that does happen more at the end of the month when lots are submitted in a short time. Another board I use to belong to strongly encouraged everyone to leave comments on the layout before them & sometimes I do that but often I forget. That's one thing the combined gallery could perhaps help with.

I am much less likely to look in the gallery now that the digi and paper are combined. I think I do look for paper for inspiration because I can't do digi. The gallery now has so many digi that I can't even hope to emulate that it makes me sad to keep looking for a few paper ones for inspiration. If you want to keep them together, maybe limit the number per page, 50/50, so its even?
PezKat wrote:Well I know Brandon specifically asked for our input, so if some of you have not seen that thread perhaps that will help. As far as paper layouts, I know I often wait until I have several done to photograph & upload & post them all at once, whereas most digi pages get posted as soon as they're done. (Pretty sure the end-of-month-rush is mostly paper, but I could be wrong! I sure know the paper-only gallery moved fast at month ends!) I'm sure if everyone hates it or we lose lots of paste eaters they will change it - and wow, doesn't it seem only a couple weeks ago that people were complaining digi were being 'left out'?! We're not an easy bunch to please!
Boy I sure did miss that one. I am a paste eater and certainly would have expressed my desires has I seen that thread. I occasionally do look at digital work as I have friends that are digital scrappers and have shared their work.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.

Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
I don't like it either.
I do not have any interest in digi scrapping.
I look to galleries for inspiration and the digi is very different than paper.
Not worth bothering to look in the gallery any more if you can't find what you are looking for: Inspiration
I do not have any interest in digi scrapping.
I look to galleries for inspiration and the digi is very different than paper.
Not worth bothering to look in the gallery any more if you can't find what you are looking for: Inspiration

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
I was in the gallery last night and noticed that it was changed. I haven't been in the gallery lately because of lack of time and being at the hospital with dh. But, I didn't like it! I want to look at paper scrape LOs more than digi. I do look at digi, but mostly paper. And when trying to find inspiration from a LO it is nice for it to be paper because there is much done in digi that can't be done in paper. I would ike the choice. I remember the thread that Brandon started asking us our preferences. I made a comment, but I did not dream that this site would be changed so radically! I love ACOT and miss the cherries that left, but I may be going too. They are taking so much away that this site is begining to loose it edge over other sites. I wonder if they are more interested in the other aspects of their business more than scrapping. Also, I see Brandon working very hard to make this site what we want. It just is not there yet, but give it time.
Indy Scrapper wrote:Sadly, I have to agree also. Please I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way, but I have gotten the feeling that our input is not wanted anymore. I am not opposed to change. But I think an organization that has been predominantly a paper based company for a long time and has kept up with the industry by incorporating digital should be more in tune with the needs of the entire community.
The last couple of months a lot has changed with little to no explanation as to the coming changes and why they were necessary. I handle change a whole lot better when I hear the whole story.
agreed and well said - thanks for feeling free to provide your opinion
Why do I always have to swim upstream? Beats me........
When I started scrapping digitally, back in 2005, there wasn't much to look at digitally for inspiration. I regularly went to the paper gallery for inspiration. I saw the design of the layouts. Single photos, 2 or 3 photos or more. That inspired me. I saw borders on background papers; that inspired me. I saw subjects being scrapped about where I knew I had photos and/or kits to scrap about the same subject. I saw trends--rounded edges, cardboard, and so on, white space layouts, collage-style layouts..........
Do I like the combined gallery? No I don't.
But I think if you feel you cannot be inspired by a combined gallery, you should give it a second thought. You may not be able to use a specific paper product if you are digi, or you may not be able to use a given kit if you scrap with paper, but there is a lot of inspiration to be had from each other. Perhaps you can look at the paper products you have and can see a different way of using them. Perhaps you can look at the digi kit you're playing with and make those elements do something fresh and new. Sometimes we just have to change the way we look at things.......
When I started scrapping digitally, back in 2005, there wasn't much to look at digitally for inspiration. I regularly went to the paper gallery for inspiration. I saw the design of the layouts. Single photos, 2 or 3 photos or more. That inspired me. I saw borders on background papers; that inspired me. I saw subjects being scrapped about where I knew I had photos and/or kits to scrap about the same subject. I saw trends--rounded edges, cardboard, and so on, white space layouts, collage-style layouts..........
Do I like the combined gallery? No I don't.
But I think if you feel you cannot be inspired by a combined gallery, you should give it a second thought. You may not be able to use a specific paper product if you are digi, or you may not be able to use a given kit if you scrap with paper, but there is a lot of inspiration to be had from each other. Perhaps you can look at the paper products you have and can see a different way of using them. Perhaps you can look at the digi kit you're playing with and make those elements do something fresh and new. Sometimes we just have to change the way we look at things.......
Proudly creating for Bella Gypsy Designs

Well said Marci!!m1218p wrote:Why do I always have to swim upstream? Beats me........
When I started scrapping digitally, back in 2005, there wasn't much to look at digitally for inspiration. I regularly went to the paper gallery for inspiration. I saw the design of the layouts. Single photos, 2 or 3 photos or more. That inspired me. I saw borders on background papers; that inspired me. I saw subjects being scrapped about where I knew I had photos and/or kits to scrap about the same subject. I saw trends--rounded edges, cardboard, and so on, white space layouts, collage-style layouts..........
Do I like the combined gallery? No I don't.
But I think if you feel you cannot be inspired by a combined gallery, you should give it a second thought. You may not be able to use a specific paper product if you are digi, or you may not be able to use a given kit if you scrap with paper, but there is a lot of inspiration to be had from each other. Perhaps you can look at the paper products you have and can see a different way of using them. Perhaps you can look at the digi kit you're playing with and make those elements do something fresh and new. Sometimes we just have to change the way we look at things.......
m1218p wrote:Why do I always have to swim upstream? Beats me........
When I started scrapping digitally, back in 2005, there wasn't much to look at digitally for inspiration. I regularly went to the paper gallery for inspiration. I saw the design of the layouts. Single photos, 2 or 3 photos or more. That inspired me. I saw borders on background papers; that inspired me. I saw subjects being scrapped about where I knew I had photos and/or kits to scrap about the same subject. I saw trends--rounded edges, cardboard, and so on, white space layouts, collage-style layouts..........
Do I like the combined gallery? No I don't.
But I think if you feel you cannot be inspired by a combined gallery, you should give it a second thought. You may not be able to use a specific paper product if you are digi, or you may not be able to use a given kit if you scrap with paper, but there is a lot of inspiration to be had from each other. Perhaps you can look at the paper products you have and can see a different way of using them. Perhaps you can look at the digi kit you're playing with and make those elements do something fresh and new. Sometimes we just have to change the way we look at things.......
Thank you Marci, this is what I was trying to say as well.
