I like Valentine's Day - it's fun to make a nice dinner for my family, to make them some dessert, and to buy them a bit of candy and give it to them with a homemade card. So - everything was made, bought and ready to go yesterday when dh came home. He told me to close my eyes and hold out my hands (ooh - did he buy me a ring?) with my palms together (oh - candy) I thought. He put somewhat that was heavier than candy in my hands. "what did he do now?", I wondered. He told me to open my eyes and what did I see?
I made dinner and a cake and gave him a card and candy... and he gave me an iPad! Yup - not candy - an iPad. A little lopsided in the gift department, don't ya think?
very nice!!
Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool
Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool

Love doesn't keep score and I'm sure neither did he. What a wonderful surprise!!! Have fun with the picture taking on it and the slideshows. Great quality photos it makes.
I don't think it was lopsided. You both gave from the heart. I bet your heart weighs as much as his. You both did real sweet things for each other.
I agree with Bibi......it came from the heart
I have always told my girls ........ it's not the gift that counts, it's the thought that counts. Enjoy your new toy.

Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

mgehrke wrote:I agree with Bibi......it came from the heartI have always told my girls ........ it's not the gift that counts, it's the thought that counts. Enjoy your new toy.
I totally agree Mildred!

1grandma wrote:I don't think it was lopsided. You both gave from the heart. I bet your heart weighs as much as his. You both did real sweet things for each other.
awwww, that is so sweet of you Bibi- you are a sweet, sweet lady

1grandma wrote:I don't think it was lopsided. You both gave from the heart. I bet your heart weighs as much as his. You both did real sweet things for each other.
I agree, you cooked dinner with all your love and thinking of your family.

He wouldn't have gotten it for your if he didn't think you deserved it. Enjoy! It's his way of showing how much he appreciates you. ( i got a kindle fire for christmas ...i bought the DH hunting clothes...so i know this first hand)

1grandma wrote:I don't think it was lopsided. You both gave from the heart. I bet your heart weighs as much as his. You both did real sweet things for each other.
What a wonderful thing to say (((hugs))). Thank you.
Ladies - you are all so very sweet! Thank you for your kind words.
I agree with what ever else has said!

Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

I bet he's just happy as pie that you are so excited over what he gave you! That's the way my guy does...and of course it's true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so relax and enjoy your gift!
What are you planning to do with the iPad? What kind of fun are you going to have?
Bibi - I'm not even sure yet. It's like a giant iPhone - and I love my iPhone, so I think I'm going to love it. I have to get used to it - I'm SO used to computers, you know? Any suggestions for an iPhone newbie?