I missed most of this today but decided to do as many of the challenges as I can. But I can only find challenges 1-10 and #14. Where are 11, 12, and 13? Help Links would be nice. TY

PezKat wrote:Here's the master list; I think there are 12 total: MASTER CHALLENGE LIST
Yes I saw this. It has challenges 1-10 and #14 but that is it. And in the gallery there are places for challenges #11 and #12 and milmomma said she asked them to skip #13. So I have found 11 of 13. Does that make sense?

Charleneanne wrote:PezKat wrote:Here's the master list; I think there are 12 total: MASTER CHALLENGE LIST
Yes I saw this. It has challenges 1-10 and #14 but that is it. And in the gallery there are places for challenges #11 and #12 and milmomma said she asked them to skip #13. So I have found 11 of 13. Does that make sense?
It makes sense to me, and I can´t seem to find them either, so let´s hope Pam´s kiddo is doing better, and she will have time to update the list some time later today or tomorrow

We will try to get this cleared up today.

There are 12 challenges and they are not due until February 14th. The mix-up in the last ones are that #11 is the Bella Gypsy digi challenge and #12 is---14 things I love about me, it's not #14.
I set up galleries in advance because I was going to be gone in the afternoon...at church.
there were extras IN CASE.
#14 was that because of the reference to VALENTINES DAY and the 14 things.
there were extras IN CASE.
#14 was that because of the reference to VALENTINES DAY and the 14 things.
Oops! I tried to catch things up last night after most people had gone to bed. . I couldn't find the other challenges,but I figured it would all get straightened out this morning. 

Thank you all. This is what I get for not making the fun and games crop day. lol
