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Cherry Garcia

Re: Update on Athena
Brandy I haven't been on here much lately and seen this. Oh how I hope that someone has taken in her into her home versus the other horrible alternative. I hope she makes her way back to you. I too have lost a kitty and and it was heartbreaking. (((Hugs)))
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Update on Athena
Brandy, I too thought good news when I saw this. I am sorry you still are in the dark. I agree that it is the not knowing that is so hard. That is why, like Jules and others, I choose to believe the best! The alternative is too painful. So just know that wherever Athena is, she is warm, safe and loved!!! Hugs to you!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Update on Athena
Hugs. I hope she makes it home.

We've lost 7 cats this year to wild animals of some kind. And it's been more than 10 years since we lost one to anything other than old age before that.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Update on Athena
Oh gosh I hope she is safe and happy! I do hope she makes it back home. She is such a cutie! I have had a cat go missing for days, and it's a horrible feeling! Big hugs for you!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Update on Athena
This is the first I have read about your missing furbaby. I am so sorry you are going through this. My first dog went missing and we were never able to find him. I hope that Athena is just hanging out with someone else until they find you.

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