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Cherry Tart

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
debamas - I do have a studio in my house. Very blessed to have that. I try really hard to keep anything non- creative out of there (hence my computer is somewhere else)! It is my haven.

As far as balance, I wish I could tell you that I have it all figured out but I don't. It is difficult, I think, to find balance when you work out of your home (both of us for that matter). It is hard to turn things off. My husband is much better at it than I am. I am trying to get a little better at this. . .
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
glo85cam - I am blessed to have a design team with immense talent and I admire them all! They are my favorites! It is so cool to create product and see how different people interpret it.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Hi Jenni! welcome to ACOT!

just wondering - you and your husband are obviously creative, are your kids into it too?

(as my daughter wanders around asking where her latest scrapbook pages are :-D )
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
lana bisson - I think, in my humble opinion, vintage will always be around in some shape or form. I have been doing this long enough to see it stick! I don't think it's going anywhere, just transforming year to year. As long as I'm around, it won't be going away - ha!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Jennibowlin wrote:lana bisson - I think, in my humble opinion, vintage will always be around in some shape or form. I have been doing this long enough to see it stick! I don't think it's going anywhere, just transforming year to year. As long as I'm around, it won't be going away - ha!

love this!
Hi! I'm Rachel
My Blog: Happay Scraps
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
megamay - my littlest is very creative. My challenge right now is video games. They suck a child's creativity, in my opinion. We do control their time playing them, but I miss the days that he would sit for hours with cars and trains and dream. He is almost 10 now so he has lost interest in the cars and trains, but Legos are a new love and he loves to create his own things!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Welcome, Jenni.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Well thanks so much everyone! I enjoyed reading your comments (thanks for all of the welcomes and kind words). It is time to decide what's for dinner over here so I need to go (thinking breakfast for dinner tonight)! Have a wonderful week and thanks again for coming on to chat with me - Jenni
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Jennibowlin wrote:craftyk - good questions!

My favorite line that I have designed is our black/red line (the latest extension just hit the shelves here at ACOT)! I have felt from the beginning that there are just some color schemes/products that are classic and never go out of style. It is a shame that sometimes in our industry things come and go so quick - there are products I remember from many years ago that I would love to restock. So . . . I decided that I was going to continue adding to this line (and we have kept almost every paper and accessory in stock for each line over the years). That way everything coordinates too - year after year!

I love that you always have the classic colors. Your collections are definitely timeless and that is what draws me to it all the time.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Thank You so much for stopping in to chat with us:)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Jennibowlin wrote:Well thanks so much everyone! I enjoyed reading your comments (thanks for all of the welcomes and kind words). It is time to decide what's for dinner over here so I need to go (thinking breakfast for dinner tonight)! Have a wonderful week and thanks again for coming on to chat with me - Jenni
Thanks Jenni for taking time out to chat with us! And thank you for creating such wonderful stuff for us to create with!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
I am another vintage lover - and I thank you so very much for taking the time to share with us.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Jennibowlin wrote:megamay - my littlest is very creative. My challenge right now is video games. They suck a child's creativity, in my opinion. We do control their time playing them, but I miss the days that he would sit for hours with cars and trains and dream. He is almost 10 now so he has lost interest in the cars and trains, but Legos are a new love and he loves to create his own things!

if he isn't into Legos, you might want to look into a local Lego Robotics Club. They compete state wide in a competition called First Lego League and then have a chance to move on to a national and world level competition. It's great for getting kids to use that video game love for something non-video game :)
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
thank you sooooooooo much, Jenni, for joining us! We loved hearing about your products and your feelings about vintage designing! Please come back and visit us soon!!!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Thanks for chatting with us Jenni!

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Jenni Bowlin CHAT HERE. **never been so excited**
Thanks for the chatting with us here at ACOT.
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