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Cherry Bing

How many ACOT crops...
have you participated in?  I see some new names with us tonight...welcome!  For those that have been with us before, any fun memories you wish to share??  
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Cherry Blossom

How many ACOT crops...
this is my 2nd and I jsut love them. I get so excited when I get points haha
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Cherry Addict

How many ACOT crops...
I've been to all of them!   How many is that?!?  
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Cherry Jubilee

How many ACOT crops...
I think this is my 3rd
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Cherry Jubilee

How many ACOT crops...
This is at least my 4thJenna
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Cherry Bing

How many ACOT crops...
I think this is 4...
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Cherry Picker

How many ACOT crops...
This is my first ACOT crop, so I keep peeking in! I am trying to get used to the pace and fun games!! So far I'm having a blast.
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Cherry Jubilee

How many ACOT crops...
This is at least the 4th one I've been able to take part in. Love the different games!
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Cherry Berry

How many ACOT crops...
This is my first and I am having fun so far! 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

How many ACOT crops...
This will be the first! And i have been here since the beginning!!! I hope my computer is up for the challenge, its been acting funky lately!
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Cherry Cola

How many ACOT crops...
This is the 2nd one I participated in.  I really enjoy them.  Gives me a chance to do some different projects.
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Cherry Blossom

How many ACOT crops...
This is my first. How often does ACOT do the crops?

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Cherry Blossom

How many ACOT crops...
I have done two others, one that I did a bunch and one where I was only able to check it out a bit.  In doing those two I have won no points.  But I did win a fast scrap at the first one I did.  These are so fun, so much to do. 
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Cherry Jubilee

How many ACOT crops...
Four for me, I think!
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Cherry Picker

How many ACOT crops...
I have done 3 or 4...can't remember.  One year I got 27 pages done during the crop.  It was great.  I done all the challenges and most of the fast scraps.  These are always so fun. Louise
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Cherry Picker

How many ACOT crops...
#2 for me.
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Cherry Blossom

How many ACOT crops...
This is my first
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

How many ACOT crops...
This is my very first one and I am having a blast!!!  I will have to buy a new mouse come tomorrow I think!
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Cherry Cola

How many ACOT crops...
maybe 5 or 6, I've lost count.
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Cherry Cola

How many ACOT crops...
wow I think this is my 8 or 9th crop now maybe more but I know atleast that many.  My most memorable would be last crop only because I completed all the challenges for the first time in years lol.Hugs
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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