Non scrappy... PIZZA! I could seriously eat it everyday and will eat slice after slice with absolutely no willpower to stop! Also dark chocolate... must have some everyday!
Scrappy... PUNCHES! PUNCHES! and more PUNCHES! Especially the MS and EK edgers and punch around the page kits. I have seriously run out of storage bins to put them in! And then there's the overflowing storage containers of bling, the never ending supply of papers, the huge collection of flowers...
Non-Scrappy - oh dear... Oreos (which I will NOT buy), and chocolate - which I eat every day, along with Project Runway and Top Chef.
Scrappy - paper... tons of it! Love the DCWV pads.
Scrappy - paper... tons of it! Love the DCWV pads.
Oh... definitely forgot a non scrappy guilty pleasure....
I love watching Toddlers and Tiaras.... I have no idea why though. It's like televised child abuse or a train wreck and I can't look away. Those kids are such brats and the some of the parents are psycho! I get the best laugh on Wednesday night from watching it!
I love watching Toddlers and Tiaras.... I have no idea why though. It's like televised child abuse or a train wreck and I can't look away. Those kids are such brats and the some of the parents are psycho! I get the best laugh on Wednesday night from watching it!

Keebler Grasshopper cookies -Thin Mint Clones - If I fall off the wagon and buy them, the whole bag is gone within 24 hours, and DH never sees a one!!
Scrappy-wise, it would be brads. I have more than I'll ever use. It's almost like a collection, rather than "tools of the trade."
Scrappy-wise, it would be brads. I have more than I'll ever use. It's almost like a collection, rather than "tools of the trade."
pawprints wrote:Non scrappy... PIZZA! I could seriously eat it everyday and will eat slice after slice with absolutely no willpower to stop! Also dark chocolate... must have some everyday!
Are you my brother's long lost sister or something? My brother eats, sleeps, and BREATHES pizza! That's all he ever wants!

You guys are making me hungry for oreos, mints, pizza, and blizzards! Holy Shmoly!
Keep 'em coming! There (fingers crossed) hopefully will be some sprinklage! I'll letcha know!
Keep 'em coming! There (fingers crossed) hopefully will be some sprinklage! I'll letcha know!
non scrappy is probably crappy teeny bopper tv. (and anything straight up sugar - gummies, twizzlers, etc.)
scrappy - probably paper, I just keep buying it!
scrappy - probably paper, I just keep buying it!
Non-scrappy: bad reality tv (especially competitions), magazines, and cupcakes!
Scrappy: Thickers and mini alphas
Scrappy: Thickers and mini alphas

megamay wrote:non scrappy is probably crappy teeny bopper tv. (and anything straight up sugar - gummies, twizzlers, etc.)
scrappy - probably paper, I just keep buying it!
I <3 teen tv too. Might as well add movies to the list as well...

Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

Starbucks Venti Cappachino. Sugarfree hazlenut.
German Chocolate
bluebell vanilla icecream,,, would be spumonie if I could find it..
German Chocolate
bluebell vanilla icecream,,, would be spumonie if I could find it..
non-scrappy - books (the sheer number in our house is almost embarrassing), Brach's bridge mix, Dr. Pepper, McDonald's fries, pedi's
scrappy - PP, clear stamps
scrappy - PP, clear stamps

blbabe1234 wrote:pawprints wrote:Non scrappy... PIZZA! I could seriously eat it everyday and will eat slice after slice with absolutely no willpower to stop! Also dark chocolate... must have some everyday!
Are you my brother's long lost sister or something? My brother eats, sleeps, and BREATHES pizza! That's all he ever wants!
LOL! I could live on it!

What a surprise! Thanks you very much!!!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

I'm too late for points; but, that's OK 
Non-Scrappy -
1. 7-11 Iced Mocha Coffee.
2. Lip Balm.
3. HGTV & History Channel.
Scrappy -
1. Thickers.
2. Buttons.
3. Ribbon/Ric-rac.

Non-Scrappy -
1. 7-11 Iced Mocha Coffee.
2. Lip Balm.
3. HGTV & History Channel.
Scrappy -
1. Thickers.
2. Buttons.
3. Ribbon/Ric-rac.
Kat >^..^<

McDonalds french fries...I'll get the happy meal just so I can have the fries first. But only piping hot...hate any fries when they start to cool!
Any starbucks coffee drink since I gave up coffee for lent. I wish I could say that I've lost weight since giving it up, but I've taken a new liking to potato chips, LOL
Any starbucks coffee drink since I gave up coffee for lent. I wish I could say that I've lost weight since giving it up, but I've taken a new liking to potato chips, LOL
Taking a bath. It relaxes me, helps me when I am stressed. It's where I am now LOL had a stressful day 

Non Scrap related.......Cracker Barrel Lord help me when we relocate to a state where there isnt one.
Would LOVE some Haggis or even any other British food.
Scrap related......... Dont have any....EVERYTHING IS A PLEASURE LOL
Really thou LOVE Martha Stewarts Punches got the HSN speical on Autoship
Just got her stamp around the page being delivered today
Would LOVE some Haggis or even any other British food.
Scrap related......... Dont have any....EVERYTHING IS A PLEASURE LOL
Really thou LOVE Martha Stewarts Punches got the HSN speical on Autoship
Just got her stamp around the page being delivered today