So, last year we went to the county fair and saw that they had a division for SB and cards. This year, at the last minute, I picked up an entry guide and literally 20 minutes before the deadline entered 9 categories. You could enter multiple entires in each. Today I went to the Fairgrounds and discovered I won 9 firsts, 3 seconds, and 1 third. I beat myself 4 times!
I got $101.00 in prize money. Promised to take the DH to dinner and to see the LAST HP movie this week before I head to NYC for workshops.

Last edited by imwickedwitch on Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

That's not a very small toot to me - it's quite a large toot! Congratulations!!!
Thanks! I haven't entered the fair since I was little and my Grandma and I used to make jelly. We would enter against each other and even though it came from the same pot, one of us would always beat the other. We would always go out there and laugh over it. It was so nostalgic..... and I know she is laughing up a storm in heaven at the fact that I beat myself!writerlady wrote:That's not a very small toot to me - it's quite a large toot! Congratulations!!!


I think that is quite an accomplishment! Congrats! Now they better look out for you next year!!!!!!!!!

very cool! I have thought about entering some of the fair scrapbooking and photography contests before. Glad to see it paid off for you!
Wow, that is so cool!!! Congrats!!
That is soooooo awesome - and not a little thing either! Congratulations!

I think that is an awesome toot! Congrats to you!
Congrats...thats really cool!
*There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that can focus and those that HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!

*There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that can focus and those that HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!

Congrats! That is awesome. I took dd to HP last night. I am so sad to see it end.

That's awesome!!! Congratulations!!!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6

awesome - howe fun - enjoy your winnings