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Cherry Cola

Printing 12 x 12
Was wondering what are some good sites to print out my 12 x 12 digi layouts? Was hoping on some input...what are your favorites? Also are Walmart or Walgreens an option? Thanks :)

*There's two kinds of people in this world,
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Digital Designers

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I've never been disappointed by Scrapping Simply
Amy Teets Designs

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Cherry Addict

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I've used MyPicTales and have been happy with my prints and printed albums from them.
You can also do a search here in the Digital Talk forum to find previous printing topics, other sites mentioned before are Artscow and Persnickity Prints.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Wal-Mart and Costco are an option. Don't know about Walgreens. I have a wide format printer and print my own.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I love Persnickity Prints. You can do 12x12 or 8x8 single, or print a whole bound album. One of these days I'm gonna print more. :)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I ♥ Persnickety Prints too! The print quality is amazing and the customer service is the best!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Thanks all for the input! This is one reason I love ACOT...everyone is so friendly and helpfull! I'm so excited to be scrapping again, and digi fits into my busy lifestyle so easily...I still have regular scrappy stuff though, I've been holding on to it for the last 5 dormant scrappy years, I don't think I will ever get rid of it still comes in handy with school projects and such...thanks again ya'll :-D

*There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that can focus and those that HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I have only printed out one and that was at Costco. I thought they did a nice job and were reasonably priced.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I've only printed 12x12 at scrapping simply, but I did have 6x6 printed at Ritz Camera. Both places did a marvelous job...very true colors, the weight is great. Would use either one again in a heartbeat.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I agree with Brittney and Wendy - Persnickety Prints does an excellent and FAST service. Very high quality and great prices. Much better for your archive memories than Walgreens, Costco or Walmart.
- Angie - Come read my blog!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Persnictey Prints..HIGHLY recommend! I have not printed LO's at Costco but I have printed some 11x14 digital prints that I framed and they were FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I only get my prints from Persnickety. The quality and color is amazing and they are fast, reasonably priced, shipping is reasonable, and their customer service is awesome. I have also done calendars and bound albums with them and have never ever been disappointed.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Fingers crossed Persnickety Prints will be as good as everyone says. They're having a major sale on 8x8's this weekend, so I've made a huge dent in my "To Print" files!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Printing 12 x 12
they are :)
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Cherry Picker

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I have been really happy with Costco and is available in one hour so I don't have to wait!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Lindsay....where have you been hanging out girl......I was JUST thinking about you the other day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Printing 12 x 12
Sweyo wrote:I have been really happy with Costco and is available in one hour so I don't have to wait!
Then there are those of us who live far, far, far away from a Costco! lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I use they are great, if you keep eye on their site they do have sales. $1.49 for 12x12. their normal price is $1.99. I prefer it to Costco, for some reason the ones I print at Costso turn out dark.
anyone who says sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in the rain.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Printing 12 x 12
I just looked and Persnickety Prints has 10x10 albums -- I've been looking for that size!

I'm a Costco girl myself, but I may have to try out this site and see how it goes. :)
~ Katie ~

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Printing 12 x 12
buzymomof2 wrote:I use they are great, if you keep eye on their site they do have sales. $1.49 for 12x12. their normal price is $1.99. I prefer it to Costco, for some reason the ones I print at Costso turn out dark.

This is what I have been using. I've actually used them for years for other things and just started using them to print 12x12s.

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