For challenge #3 I want to see you use our Avi's as inspiration! Whether it be about the hottie's, the music, the colours, or even just about your favorite song, we want to see you get inspired!
Post your pages in the thread here and to the gallery labelled NSD CHallenge #3 and don't forget to put down what you used as your inspiration in your description. Here's some example of mine (I used my own avi as inspiration to make a hottie page) and carrie123's pages (which she used a song by Avril Lavinge as her inspiration) to give you an idea. And so you don't have to look far, look below to see all the CT avi's at a glance!


Pat Benetar

Avril Lavigne

Joan Jett

Adam Lambert

Joe Elliot


Bob Segar

Boy George

Angus Young


Brett Michaels

The Eagles

Gwen Stefani

Jon Bon Jovi

Deborah Harry

Mike Ness

Steve Perry

Lenny Kravitz

Steven Tyler

Andrea Bocelli

Mark McGrath
Last edited by sarahwhithers on Fri May 06, 2011 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.