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Cherry Bing

Re: Crop Sign-Up
im in
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Cherry Berry

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I hope to join in. Just found out my MIL may be coming to spend the night Friday night. Guests in and out all day Saturday and going to a local crop with a friend (THAT WILL ROCK). Then, Sunday will be Mother's Day. So...I don't know how much I will actually get to participate.
It sounds/looks like you are set for a great time, though.

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Cherry Tart

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'm it. Have no idea what to do because I've never been to one before but I'm hoping I can learn along the way! :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I've gotten lost from you wonderful ACOT people but been peeking back in and do hope to join up some this weekend. Slowing getting my scrap stuff back together too. been neglected too long and pics hidden away still in the camera. Ready for some mojo!

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Cherry Picker

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'll be there!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I plan to be there! yay!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I just found out about it today but I will try to participate some. I have to work this weekend. What a bummer.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'm sure I already replied, but need to post an update. My father passed away suddenly on Wednesday so I won't be participating as much as I'd hoped. I have 2 friends coming over tomorrow to scrap w/me (tho they aren't involved here) so I need to spend time cleaning house today (I went to work the past 2 days to keep my brain occupied/distracted somewhat; we have a very small family so there's not much that needs to be done as far as that goes, Mom's taking care of everything). I know I won't be ready by 2 but I hope to check in now & then. I'm still hoping to scrap but between family stuff & my eyes (it bothers me to look at the laptop for more than 5-10 minutes at a time) I prob. won't be playing games or chatting very much. I just wanted to let someone know why I won't be around as much as normal. Hope everyone has a blast!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Crop Sign-Up
Sign me up! I'll have to pop in and out but do what I can!
Brenda W.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Crop Sign-Up

my blog
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Cherry Tart

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I plan to pop in and out all weekend! First online crop - wish me luck!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I plan to be here on and off throughout the weekend!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'm playing along!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I will be here for at least some!!

Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Crop Sign-Up
My father passed away suddenly on Wednesday
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. My thoughts are with you.

I'll be in and out between taking care of sick parents. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some challenges completed this crop. I'm really looking forward to "playing" for awhile!
...... but age is such a triumph over youth,
again, because you moved across the years to here.
Leaving there where it belongs
for youth to come along and re-discover. by Rod McKuen

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Crop Sign-Up
Me at least Friday and Saturday!!! :)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Crop Sign-Up
Hoping to check in here & there!
~ Liana

Interested in Scrapbooking Swaps?? Check us out at http://www.iasst.forumotion.net

Most papers are available at ACOT!

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Cherry Picker

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I plan on cropping. I will be in and out as my daughter has softball practice tonight and THREE games tomorrow.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'm here, well I'm at work but still here!! :-D
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Crop Sign-Up
I'll be in and out during the weekend.... I'm planing non having fuuuun!
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