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Cherry Addict

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I've been wanting a Maltese cross...the cross that represents fire fighters. My dad was a 40 yr volunteer firefighter, and I grew up with it almost a part of our family. At one time I could name all the departments in Muskegon County by their tones as the alarms came over the fire radio. I just don't know how I want it and where I would put it.
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
This is my Tinkerbell...she sits on my left shoulder.
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
Haven't been on in three weeks and I come back to a post about my other favorite things... Love it. The new tat is absolutely georgeous. I hae one myself and am working onj finding someone to do the one I really need to get. It is pretty large and it is a portrait of my daughter and will of course be ongoing since it will be in stages and she is only 12. The problem is getting someone I really like to do it. I have found 1 guy who I may consider.

Keep showing all the additions as you go along.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
Ayla wrote:This is my Tinkerbell...she sits on my left shoulder.

Awww, she is gorgeous!!!!

I have a space above the rose that I had done that needs something. I am trying to find a fairy that I like to put there. I really like the artwork of Amy Brown, so it may be one of her pieces.
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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Cherry Cola

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
o1mommy wrote:Haven't been on in three weeks and I come back to a post about my other favorite things... Love it. The new tat is absolutely georgeous. I hae one myself and am working onj finding someone to do the one I really need to get. It is pretty large and it is a portrait of my daughter and will of course be ongoing since it will be in stages and she is only 12. The problem is getting someone I really like to do it. I have found 1 guy who I may consider.

Keep showing all the additions as you go along.

Thanks!! Yeah, you really need to get someone good to do portraits. My tattoo guy does them and they are ok, but I wouldn't have him do one on me. Some artists have the knack for them, and some don't. I always said if I really wanted a portrait, I'd go to LA and get Cory Miller to do it! That would only cost me a small fortune :)
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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I don't have one myself, but find all these tattoos so cool!
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Digital Designers

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
Oh boy, let's see if I can find some pics.

The first one I got I was 19. I hung out at the tattoo shop drinking, so I got it for free, lol. It's a poison arrow frog just above my pantiline, but since I have had 4 kids it's stretched out a ittle, sooo... I don't wanna share that one, lol.

These others I did myself...

My initial J as a butterfly:


A little transformers logo on my husband:


I freehanded my arm, and this is my favorite part, my name. :)


One that I designed and did, a Leo sign with flames in the shapr of the sun, because fire and sun are leo elements, and it also has the Leo symbol: (it looks horrible, like I cut in too far, but it was placed there to cover up some scars, so it's really not as bad as this pic looks)


I don't have any good pics of my whole arm... guess I will have to take some!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
JeanellePaige wrote:Oh boy, let's see if I can find some pics.

The first one I got I was 19. I hung out at the tattoo shop drinking, so I got it for free, lol. It's a poison arrow frog just above my pantiline, but since I have had 4 kids it's stretched out a ittle, sooo... I don't wanna share that one, lol.

These others I did myself...

My initial J as a butterfly:


A little transformers logo on my husband:


I freehanded my arm, and this is my favorite part, my name. :)


One that I designed and did, a Leo sign with flames in the shapr of the sun, because fire and sun are leo elements, and it also has the Leo symbol: (it looks horrible, like I cut in too far, but it was placed there to cover up some scars, so it's really not as bad as this pic looks)


I don't have any good pics of my whole arm... guess I will have to take some!

Love your tats and it's so cool that you did them yourself! Do you tattoo for a living? Yes, you should take more pics of your arm. My half sleeve/shoulder piece is almost done. I should update the last bit I had done. I have a few other tats too that I didn't post. I may have to take some pics of those :)
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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Digital Designers

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I did apprentice for a while, but the guy was never there! He was always out on his motorcycle trying to pick up chicks. He would take apart my machine and say, "put it back together" and leave! Or he handed me a sautering iron and parts to make needles and say, " make some needles" and leave!
I don't learn like that! I learn better if I had been the one to take my machine apart and put it back together, or if he had shown me WTH to do with the iron before taking off. So, I never really learned much, and I paid the guy over $1,000! I did get most of my money back, but I had to threaten him to get it.
I have done tats on my friend and her little sister and my hubby, but that's it. I really am not good at shading or coloring in. Practice makes perfect, but it's a hard thing to practice when it's not able to be 'deleted', lol.
I'll try to take more pics later. :)

ETA.. I love you tats, the colors just pop and the shading is incredible!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I have 3...one on my left ankle {A unicorn and stars} a tribla tattoo around my belly button and a dragon on my right shoulder...I woudl love somethign else but not sure what...no real pictures either~
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
Your tattoos are beautiful! I always wanted one, but dh is adamently against me getting one. He has just one that he got when he was in the Navy and drinking with his buds. I would really like to have one like you ladies have - they are really well done and look lovely!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Bing

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
wow...that is amazing work...those dew drops on it look real!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I'll be honest I'm horribly jealous. As I can't get one over here and have been put on a hold on getting more. I usually get one a year or so. I've got like 7 more planned I want at the moment. :) I drawl my own though. So this gives me more time to perfect. I currently have 6 tats.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
All wonderful tattoos! You guys are making me want to go get another. I have a tribal that I drew up on my lower back and my stars on my wrist. One big one for my oldest and two smaller ones for my twins. My BIL draws up some awesome tattoos so I would love to have his art done on me somewhere. I want another one on my foot, and one on my shoulder.
Mine is kinda plain compared to some of yours, but it means something to me, and I love it!

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Missy; Wife, Momma to three boys, and a lover of all things crafty!

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Digital Designers

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
paperqueen wrote:Mine is kinda plain compared to some of yours, but it means something to me, and I love it!

That's the best part about tattoos!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I'm too chicken to get one.. and I don't think I could ever make my mind up with something that would be on me forever..
the tattoos that have been posted are awesome.. brave souls.. :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
Gorgeous! I do not have any tats, but I wish you luck with them. I think that they look like out sb embellies.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
I'm not a tat person myself. I guess the're more for the younger generation. LOL But your tats are so pretty. Such beautiful vibrant art work. That rose is amazing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Latest tattoo addition....
beautiful... I have 2 small ones, and am planning a few others but dh hates tats.....so I have to be careful
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