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Cherry Bing

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
main living area is plain, bedrooms have color
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Cherry Picker

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
I have a pumpkin patch orange laundry room, brown bedroom with teal, cream bathroom with blue, green and brown stripes.....then the rest of the house....i haven't gotten a hold of yet.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
I rent, so am stuck with off white walls. Doesn't mean that's what I prefer however!
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
White... most apartments just stay standard white, and at home Dad never wanted the walls painted... I think mom is working on changing his mind though :P
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
White is boring, I NEED color!!!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
I'm working my way to being a Lively Linda. Walls have been white for 12 years. We painted the LR/DR to rosy brown. We will be painting my soon to be craft room 2 shades of blue soon (like in 2 weeks).
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Cola

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
Different rich colors in each room of the house...I change paint often, love to change it up
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Cherry Bing

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
I have splashes of color and bright! Reds, rusts, and my DD's room is turquoise blue with white clouds I painted! I do love me some color!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
my house is a smorgasboard. The kids rooms are painted in color - but I like the neutrals in my bedroom & living room. The kitchen is yellow.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
All kinds of colors and themes (ie. animals, country)
~ Carissa ~

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
White walls... and before I moved in my boyfriend did not even have any pictures (and I mean NONE) hung up! I changed that in hurry! LOL
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
Well, the house we live in has many different colors. I don' t like them, so we are going to paint this summer. I prefer softer colors than the bold ones we have right now.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Cola

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
at the moment is it all one color and I have nothing hanging on the walls. I wanted to live here a while and get the feel of the place before really decorating.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
Color all the way!!!! Surprised aren't ya? :greenwinkb:

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
Color is good.. I like red and blue on the walls.. and decorate with blues and browns and whites. (no mixing the red and blue though)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Plain Jane or Lively Linda?
No white here except for the bed room, at that is more "I need to get painted white", and it won´t before we get a new roof :? I don´t really like white for indoor living, I prefer light mocca, soft blues, soft colors but not white

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