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Bowl Full of Cherries

**WINTER Storm** coming our way
Button up the hatches!!!! Here in Indiana we have a major ice and snow storm headed our way!! In central Indiana we may get 1 1/2 inches of ice!!! (that's were I am) In Northern Indiana they may see 20 inches of snow!!
Last time we had that much ice, we were out of power for 5 days!!! burrrrr!! I ran to Walmart this morning and so did everyone else!! It was a zoo but I feel better that I've stocked up on some food and batteries!! We've got a generator that we will have on hand to run the furnace and refrigerator! And I am making a crock pot of some black bean stew so we can heat up on the camp stove! And I stocked up on soups for the kids!! I'm doing all the laundry today so i don't have that staring at me all week! I think this is worse then preparing for vacation!!

Anybody else getting ready for this storm?
- joannie

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Glad you are stocked up.

Be safe!
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
You're thinking my way. I'm southwest Ohio, about 50 miles north of Cincy. We seem to be right on the dividing line between freezing rain changing over to rain, or freezing rain during the whole duration. I'd take the 20" of snow over this freezing rain stuff- your power doesn't go out with snow usually. I've been reading the forecasts and yes, you are in the bullseye so be prepared. We got firewood up to the house yesterday, have propane tanks for the Coleman stove, and my hubby fired up a kerosene heater we have to be sure it still works. We too have a generator that will run just certain things we had hard-wired into an outlet in the garage. Unfortunately the furnace is not one of them- large house and there's no way. But it will run the well pump so at least we'll have cold water to flush toilets with, drink etc. When you are in the country on a well, no power equals no water. Good luck to you!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Add STL to the dividing line - we are expecting ice, then snow on top of it. UGH!
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Cherry Cola

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Good for you for being prepared....stay safe.
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Cherry Bing

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
In this part of PA they're calling for a mix of snow, rain, and ice off and on throughout the night. I'm not nearly as prepared as the rest of you, so I hope it's over quickly here. I'm sooo ready for spring.

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Cherry Addict

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Ice storms up here in Michigan are not terribly common, and I'm glad...i hate ice! I am ssssooooo glad my trip thru Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri was a couple of weeks ago!
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Clint Bremer

ACOT Employee

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
No Worries! ACOT will still be up and running! (maybe slipping and sliding) but we'll be here! :-D
Clint Bremer - General Manager
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Cherry Berry

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
I live in central Indiana also. I just hope that the stores still have the products that I need when I get there. My daycare doesn't care for another hour and my DH has to work late, which means I have to take my three kids out to fight the madness. I am hoping for more snow than ice. I don't want to lose power. I would take a house full of kid before I would no power.
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(working on it, not really sure what I am doing yet)
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Cherry Cola

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Yep, already went to the store this morning. It was busy, but the only thing low was the bread isle. I imagine by now its almost gone! All of central america is about to get the same snow storm! Hope we don't loose any power!!! Becareful everyone this is going to effect!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Cola

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Yup it's coming!!!!
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
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Cherry Addict

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
meteechtap wrote:Yep, already went to the store this morning. It was busy, but the only thing low was the bread isle. I imagine by now its almost gone! All of central america is about to get the same snow storm! Hope we don't loose any power!!! Becareful everyone this is going to effect! long as I don't lose power (which thankfully is rare for me) I can get all the bread I need! I have 3 bread machines!! lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bing

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Hope it does not get bad! Keep warm!
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Cherry Bing

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
We had to make a last minute decision about whether to stay at our old house or the new one. So right as I speak, we are frantically packing up some essentials and the beds and are going to go camp out at the new house. At least that way, if we don't have power, we have gas stove and fireplaces that can be used there (we have none of that here). The only drawback is that we weren't ready to move yet and it's going to be totally crazy there! The worst part is no tv or internet yet :( So I will be off the boards for a couple of days....everyone stay warm and safe!
Danna :)

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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
We're supposed to get it, too. We're all stocked up and ready to hunker down.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
I think you should have cots in the back room - just in case.

cbremer80 wrote:No Worries! ACOT will still be up and running! (maybe slipping and sliding) but we'll be here! :-D
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
We watched the local weather - it looks as if it's all going south of us for a change. You all that are in it's path be careful!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Governor Nixon has declared a state of emergency for Missouri. I am thinking this maybe be over kill. But then if we get the 14 to 20 inches of snow with the Winds. Who knows
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Clint Bremer

ACOT Employee

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
Queen Mum wrote:I think you should have cots in the back room - just in case.

cbremer80 wrote:No Worries! ACOT will still be up and running! (maybe slipping and sliding) but we'll be here! :-D

HAHA! I have told Kristin that too! haha!
Clint Bremer - General Manager
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Cherry Cola

Re: **WINTER Storm** coming our way
ok...what heads your way...eventually heads my way. Same forecast.! I am beyond tired of it.

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