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JDs Mom

Cherry Bomb

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
The last movie-movie we watched was the remake of the A-Team. Not good.

The BEST movie I watched all Christmas Break was when they re-ran "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." I laughed at how silly it is, got a little teary seeing Graham Chapman and knowing that he's now gone, reveled in my geek-ness from high school and proudly knew almost all the dialogue, even after all these years. I am SUCH a dork and I do SO love those guys!! I even got a picture of JD with a grenade-shaped Christmas ornament in one hand and a stuffed white bunny at his throat because a couple weeks after we watched the movie, when we were "deconstructing Christmas" as we call it (taking down the tree), one of the ornaments reminded him of the Holy Hand-Grenade of Antioch and he grabbed one of about a 1/2-dozen stuffed bunnies I have in a box. We laughed and laughed and DH just shook his head...

ACOT May 2010 Digi Guest CT

formerly CT for Merkeley Designs, Sus Designs and E-scape and Scrap...

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Cherry Bing

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Haven't watched a movie in forever.
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Wild Cherry

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Letters to God
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Bing

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
JDs Mom wrote:The last movie-movie we watched was the remake of the A-Team. Not good.

The BEST movie I watched all Christmas Break was when they re-ran "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." I laughed at how silly it is, got a little teary seeing Graham Chapman and knowing that he's now gone, reveled in my geek-ness from high school and proudly knew almost all the dialogue, even after all these years. I am SUCH a dork and I do SO love those guys!! I even got a picture of JD with a grenade-shaped Christmas ornament in one hand and a stuffed white bunny at his throat because a couple weeks after we watched the movie, when we were "deconstructing Christmas" as we call it (taking down the tree), one of the ornaments reminded him of the Holy Hand-Grenade of Antioch and he grabbed one of about a 1/2-dozen stuffed bunnies I have in a box. We laughed and laughed and DH just shook his head...
One, two, five! Three sir! Three! :-D I love that movie!

I love movies of all kinds and enjoy most of them I see. As for movies I've seen recently, Salt, Expendables & A Team weren't too bad, we've really been enjoying Despicable Me (DD wants to watch it everyday) and Toy Story 3. There are lots that I want to see, but my movie buddy isn't into chick flicks. I may have to watch some by myself....
Danna :)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
MamaK321 wrote:
letumom wrote:Temple Grandin: Based on the writings by its title subject, HBO Films’ Temple Grandin is an engaging portrait of an autistic young woman who became, through timely mentoring and sheer force of will, one of America’s most remarkable success stories.

I saw this with my girls and really liked it, it was very well done and I normally wouldn't have watched it but I thought I'd try it. So glad I did, it was very interesting

These days I use RedBox (haven't been to the theatre in months), so one weekend I was surfing for something to watch. I don't remember what triggered my interest when I came across this one, but I'm glad I got to see it. It was absolutely facinating and it certainly helped me understand better the trials and tribulations of those affected by autism.
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Cherry Cola

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
tangled. loved it.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Tron 2 - I didn't really want to go and see it, but I promised DH that I would go see whatever he wanted to see. I never liked the first Tron movie so I was thinking the next one would not be good either. Boy was I wrong. The graphics and the actors were awesome. This movie is one that I would recommend to anyone to go and see.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Cola

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
I also loved the movie Avatar (cannot wait till #2) I also saw Tron Legacy and really liked it, but in my opionion you have to have seen the original and liked it as well!!! Also saw the Disney Legend of the Owls of Gahoole , simply beautiful animation!!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Captain Corelli's Mandolin

I don't go see movies in theaters. It has to be a special one for me to go see one. Last one I saw in the theater was before 1994. May seem strange, but after working in a prison, I can't tolerate being around so many people in the dark. Never mind I don't like being in a crowded situation.
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Cherry Cola

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
We use the redbox now.. no movies for us with two little ones and no family around. but we have seen a few good redbox movies.. now my mind just went blank and I can't think of the movis...they were independent films... I will post if I get my brain back!
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Cherry Tart

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
:bluesmile: I loved to watch Avatar..
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Grown Ups...with Kevin James and Adam Sandler

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Cherry Bing

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Yogi Bear!!! I recommend taking children with you............my husband enjoyed it.........I didn't..........I probably would have enjoyed it with the grandkids.....It was fashioned after the Yogi Bear series of the 50's....just okay to me.
...... but age is such a triumph over youth,
again, because you moved across the years to here.
Leaving there where it belongs
for youth to come along and re-discover. by Rod McKuen

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Cherry Cola

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
Went with hubby to see True Grit
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Bomb

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
I finally watched the last 6 Happy Potter Movies in the past couple of weeks and i must say I loved all of them.
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Cherry Cola

Re: QOTD 1/13/11
It's not a new movie, but it's one I recently watched.... The Wedding Planner
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