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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Quote of the Day - 1/08/11
The next 36 hours promises to be one which caused Larry and I to spend three hours preparing for with the cattle and horses. Beautiful day to work outside. Our first snow is expected tomorrow with rain tonight. I know many of you have had to deal with far worse already this winter. But when it snows here our governmental entities do not have the ability to have our roads cleared. Bridges on major roads get sanded and that's it. It's kinda fun sitting watching the news clips of dummies who have no business on the roads. That would be the category I fall into, but since I don't know how to drive on ice or snow, I don't. Fortunately we are only expecting a dusting, but parts of East Texas will receive up to six inches early morning and tomorrow. So a snow quote is in order for tonight! Maybe tomorrow, too. And it pretty much sums up how I feel about snow, except when I travel on purpose to play in it.....but come home to no snow!

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.

~Carl Reiner~
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 1/08/11
Nice quote, good luck tomorrow :bluesmile:
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 1/08/11
Cute quote!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 1/08/11
Great qoute!
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