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Tiki Bar Mgr

Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles: got a lot of little stuff cleaned up around the house. We've got company coming very soon and i can hardly wait!

Frowns: someone borrowed my mojo and I need it back desperately!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles--Got to scrap a bit of things I wanted to do!

Frowns--Need to do more cleaning around the house now and some ironing!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles: got some scrapping done and finally got them posted; the board appeared to be down for awhile

Frowns: Coming down with Barb's cold...making me sleepy....don't need this!!
Image Charlene
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
smiles: Its not raining today!

Frowns: I got mixed news from the doc today. I have to wait a week to find out some results.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles~ Temps were near 70 today and took the boys to a local pack for an hour and a half! I also finally finished my first Specail Days Album from the summer crop!! Its in the gallery and I faced a File challenge, but got a new file made and have the template for the days insert whenever I need to print it. (its not perfectly straight, but works well enough).

Frowns~ I am gonna have to get up off my lazy behind, and prepare for my family to be here tomorrow evening! Cleaning, laundry, dishes and make a cake!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles: Have close to 30 LB of meat defrosting for my New Years day party (Pork, lamb and turkey) :-D
Frowns: Have to clean my house again before the party :waiting:
Gine !!!

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Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles: The weather here was insanely warm for this time of year (high of 73!) so DD got to play outside which she loves, watched one-hit wonders of the 80s marathon (seen it before, but I had forgotten how much I just LOVE the 80s!), then had the 2nd part of our family's Christmas (now that more of the family was in town) at my niece's house.
Frowns: I am SO worn out, my house needs cleaning, I need to get a menu together for the new diet to start Saturday, and I haven't scrapped in a long time...
Danna :)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
SMILES: DH and I celebrated our 21st anniversary today. Many happy years behind us with many more to come in the future!

FROWNS: Hubby not feeling well today so we didn't go to dinner, but I made a delicious meal and that we all enjoyed (peppered shrimp alfredo).
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JDs Mom

Cherry Bomb

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Frown: nobody has come forward to claim the dog that showed up at our house on Christmas Eve. What is WITH people around here?!!
Bigger Frown: Sent my secretary and second Mom off to retire today. Sob Sob Sob :( I will be lost without her!!
Not much to smile about today.

ACOT May 2010 Digi Guest CT

formerly CT for Merkeley Designs, Sus Designs and E-scape and Scrap...

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Cherry Tart

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smile::) Spent the day with my cute family playing games and watching movies.

Frown::waiting: Had to do laundry between playing.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
smiles: DH only had half a day at jury duty today and brought my car home around noon. woohoo

frowns: so glad to have my wheels, went shopping and spent lots of money. oh well
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Cherry Addict

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Roller coaster day, but all SMILES now!!!! DS is on a plane on his way home!!!!
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
Smiles: it's finally warmer here in S. FL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frowns: mom had to go to ER for her pneumonia (she was dehydrated) & I had to drive half way across the state to pick up my Dad who was visiting my sister in Clearwater!
- Jan

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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
smiles: had dinner out with friends and family to celebrate an anniversary
frowns: started feeling a little queasy again
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Cherry Cola

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 12/30
smiles - got a call from my girlfriend and she wants to get back into scrapping again. She hasn't scrapped in 2 years and will be coming over Monday to get some ideas and to go over her supplies.

Yay so happy to have someone to scrap with :)

frowns - none
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