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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Quote of the Day - 11/14/10
I thought I would pay tribute to each and every member of ACOT, simply because ALL OF YOU INSPIRE ANOTHER MEMBER!

'Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.'
Erica Jong, Author

When I saw the words, 'dark place,' my thoughts went to that place where going outside my box in scrapping is sometimes uncomfortable. That's where your inspiration to try something new means so much to me!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 11/14/10
Wonderful quote!!! And so very true!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Quote of the Day - 11/14/10
So very true. In the past month I was challenged to do pink, which is rare for me. Turns out I loved the result and actually did another. I have a tendency to not do monthly challenges if it isn't "my thing." Decided I needed to change that, and acutally did the count down challenge. Not thrilled with the it, don't love it type of thing. But I did it, and next time it will be easier!

Thanks for a great quote.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 11/14/10
Great quote and I agree, I went followed mines to the "dark place" and ended up stitching on a lo and loving it.. so Much so I ordered the sew easy! lol!

then i did it again and tried hybrid! I think the quote is perfect for scrappers!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quote of the Day - 11/14/10
I'm glad I came across this. My daughter acts in our local community theatre and will be majoring in theatre next year in college. This is a perfect quote for her. Thank you.
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