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Cherry Cola

In the doghouse with my mil
Her birthday was Nov. 1st. First of all we sent the present late. :?
Now the present was a book we found at Barnes & Noble.

It was a book I happened to see that had the name of my mil's birthplace.

I read the back cover and it was about this man (the author)who grew up in the area where she was raised during the Depression.

I showed it to hubby and he thought it was great.

We talked to her today--the book is X-rated!! So bad it is, that she couldn't tell my hubby over the phone what it was about!!

I guess I better make her the usual gift--pics of the grandkids.
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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A Cherry on Top

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Oh my!! What section of B&N were you in??? ;P
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: In the doghouse with my mil

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Cherry Cola

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Not that section!!!!!-------it was in the middle as we came through the front door!!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Cola

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
LOL! at least your dh agreed that it was a good book!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Write her a long, loving, apologetic letter. I don't even know what to say! omgoodness
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Yikes!! Well if it wasn't obvious from the cover/liner then she really can't blame you (I hope!).
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Cherry Bomb

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Oh no! I can imagine how you feel - I am a MIL and I try not be (if you know what I mean) - I wouldn't care if a gift was late etc. but...I am kind of upset that I got no aknowledgment from my DIL for the gifts I sent her and voice mail I left on her Bday - I am not a big "must send you thank you notes" kind of person but a simple text message - 'got the gifts thanks' would have sufficed but nada....

If it were me I would have thought the X-rated book was funny and well..being single and all...thoughtful!:-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Eeek!! If I were in your shoes I'd question my subconcious desire to let her know how I really feel...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
OMG, that is funny but not, all at the same time. I agree stick with pics of the kids for now and maybe some flowers or chocolates with a nice apology.

You will definitely look back and chuckle about this someday.
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Cherry Cola

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Oops! I am sorry but I can't help but chuckle! :)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! (sorry to laugh at your pain, though)... I can understand why you'd never guess it was "naughty"... the topic just doesn't sound like it has "dirty" potential. lol (but I also have to question what your mother in law calls "X-rated"...)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Oh dear.. lol... so sorry. Does she not have a sense of humor? I can see this being quite the story to share down the road.
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Cherry Cola

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
It was nice gesture so maybe you can explain to her what happened. But I would probably stick to the pictures in the future. :winkb:

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: In the doghouse with my mil

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Cherry Bing

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Oh my gosh, I think that funny, hope she has a good sense of humor!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: In the doghouse with my mil

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
That is toooo funny!
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Cherry Bing

Re: In the doghouse with my mil
Well i agree that at least your DH ok'd the present..so that can shift some of the blame his way.

And if you aren't readers...how would you know what the book enclosed? I have been shocked by some of my choices at times..and I read a lot. Of course now you have me curious to the title of this book ;) ;) ...and every opinion is different when it comes to x-rated.

If you feel like apologizing then do...but DH should apologize as well...after all its his mom and he ok'd it too.

As for future gifts...send the pics of the kids...or a gift card for the book store ( and scrap a super cute holder for it!)

Someone said about people not acknowledging gifts (sorry i can't remember who posted) but i fear that common courtesy has disappeared. I have been in that same situation countless times with Dh's family ( i have actually caught some of them complaining about the gifts behind my back) That i finally told him this year it's his job to get gifts for them..and i won't craft cards either (except for the MIL who loves them :))

i have always looked at gift giving as a double joy ...the receiver should be joyful for the thought..and giving it should bring joy to the giver as well...and when it no longer is such that is when i quit. (makes me sad about thinking that way...but i hate being made feeling stupid or guilty about a gift too.)
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