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Tiki Bar Mgr

Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: I had lunch with a friend of mine who makes my life's problems look so trivial and she smiles through it all...I love my Gloria! My daughter wants to spend some time with me (sigh)so we are taking the twins to a craft fair and then out to lunch on Sat.

Frowns: not a one!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: My favorite games released new versions today, so going to have to get those soon. Got to enjoy some nice time outside earlier with DD. I don't have to work tonight.
Frowns: We gave the kitties up today. DD did ok when she woke up and realized they were gone, but we had all gotten attached to them, so it's a little sad today. But we just couldn't take care of them the way they needed to be cared for right now. So I'm hoping they will find happy homes.
Danna :)

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: Got a lot done on my to-do list today.
Frowns: If this is any indication, I just sent my dh a text saying if I didn't have to work in the morning, I would start drinking right. now. It's been a craptastic couple of days.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
SarahA wrote:Smiles: Got a lot done on my to-do list today.
Frowns: If this is any indication, I just sent my dh a text saying if I didn't have to work in the morning, I would start drinking right. now. It's been a craptastic couple of days.
Reply with quote

"Craptastic"..... I love that word. Sorry to hear it, though.

Smiles: I received a fabulous prize from Jules today for winning a Tiki Bar martini glass decoration contest. Parisian paper clips (flower, fleur-de-lis, & the Eiffel Tower) to use on a honeymoon LO that I'd like to do, and the most delicious smelling lemon soap in a cute-as-can-be soap dish!! Christmas in October. What a doll!
Frowns: I'm eating too much Halloween candy!

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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
LyndaKay wrote:
SarahA wrote:Smiles: Got a lot done on my to-do list today.
Frowns: If this is any indication, I just sent my dh a text saying if I didn't have to work in the morning, I would start drinking right. now. It's been a craptastic couple of days.
Reply with quote

"Craptastic"..... I love that word. Sorry to hear it, though.

Smiles: I received a fabulous prize from Jules today for winning a Tiki Bar martini glass decoration contest. Parisian paper clips (flower, fleur-de-lis, & the Eiffel Tower) to use on a honeymoon LO that I'd like to do, and the most delicious smelling lemon soap in a cute-as-can-be soap dish!! Christmas in October. What a doll!
Frowns: I'm eating too much Halloween candy!

sorry it took me so long hon, to get it to you...and isn't that lemon soap to die myself one too!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
SarahA wrote:Smiles: Got a lot done on my to-do list today.
Frowns: If this is any indication, I just sent my dh a text saying if I didn't have to work in the morning, I would start drinking right. now. It's been a craptastic couple of days.

darlin' the only way to deal with a crap day is one of two things...mega doses of chocolate or mega margaritas...pick one!@

Hope tomorrow is better!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
:) No work tomorrow!!
:( Bad day at work today...and came home to a HORRIFIC mess.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: scrapped 4 layouts already today! dishes done and bed made!

Frowns: I have pictures waiting for me at Walgreens and I cant drive myself there to get them so I have to wait on dh tomorrow.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: Long to explain - we have to go through sooo many medical and dental clearances to get our orders to Italy and the LAST appt is today so we can submit our package and get our hard cut orders!!! Woohoo!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


My Blog: Nonnies Notions
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: Got to study and get paid for it yesterday and today...
Frowns: I'm super stressed out and the weather is NASTY. We're under a winter weather advisory until tomorrow morning... I'm hoping we get less snow because we're closer to the lake, but who knows. :( It could've at least waited until after Halloween...
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Cherry Tart

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
smiles - everyone was in bed before 8:30 , got some alone time, having lunch with a friend tomorrow, youngest dds last volleyball practice!

frowns- they were sent to bed for fighting. One hit the other with the wii remote. realized that next month is my last month with only 1 child in orthodontics :(
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: I'm 17 weeks 3 days pregnant. Felt a couple thumps from him/her today. I also had enough energy to finish two digital orders and a block order. I set up my big Ultrasound for next week and hubby will be home to go with me!!! NO, WE AREN'T FINDING OUT THE SEX! lol

Frowns: My 14 month old kicked me 3 times on Sunday at Hershey, then I started spotting, then cramping. Went to the OB today, and she dismissed it as too much walking and the baby kicking me. A 7.5 minute appointment! GRRRR.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
smiles - almost done getting my tag sale stuff ready.

frowns - looks like rain this weekend during the tag sale :x
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
smiles: DS posted his first pics of baby (GS) on FB; he is so gorgeous--tiny, Asian, American doll.. GD and I spent hours together. I made her a card with date of birth, place, length, weight,..."Big Sister" on front and beautiful quote on back--spent hours last night--she LOVES it! She scrapped tonight for the first time and had so much fun. I told her she could use anything she wanted to use on her baby brother's page(s), and she had so much fun. I was amazed at her talent. We completed her costume--go go dancer zombie girl--she loves the spooky and gory stuff--has since she was tiny. I have pics if anyone wants to see.... ... c00e085d17

Frowns: I want to hold him and dance with him and kiss his chubby cheek. Even more, I want my GD to know him and create a bond...
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Smiles N Frowns for 10/26
Smiles: I got my gypsy

frowns: after spending 8 solid days with dh (vacations) I am starting to feel like I need a little tiny bit of space. I'm back to work as of last Monday but he's still off.....makes me feel like a bad wife.
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