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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

High school shows
Back east I used to go to the high school musical at the school my kids attended. Always spectacular.

Even after my kids graduated I continued to go to the plays and band/chorus concerts when friends' kids attended school - even when they graduated I continued to go (the principal got a kick out of that)

The school musical was always a major production with local voice and dance teachers coming in to coach the kids (what a kick to see those boys in their boots practicing dance steps!)

The productions were always ALWAYS sold out.

Now I've found that the kids at the local high school are doing a great job doing productions here. The kids put so much heart and soul into these productions. In the spring I saw The Wizard of Oz -not a favorite show of mine but I went anyway. I'm so glad I did!

On Friday I saw a production of Arsenic and Old Lace. It's my favorite movie! (Love Cary Grant's facial contortions when he finds a body in the window seat)

But the sad part is - the school auditorium was less than half full both times.

I wish others would find delight in these shows. They really are great and it would be such a boost to the kids to look out and see people cheering them on.

Anyone else find these things as delightful as I do?
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: High school shows
I haven't gone in years. Don't really know why. But it's a shame that tickets weren't given out to the senior citizens center or even the local extended care facility. They would love something like that.

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Cherry Addict

Re: High school shows
Oh, I love them too. I started going when my oldest DD was in high school and she would go to see some of her friends. Now my younger DD has been in a few, and I am always amazed at the talent these kids have. One year they did a Shakespeare production....for the life of me I can't remember which one though. But they handled the language beautifully!!! Our shows usually go for 4 shows....Thursday, Friday, and Sat evenings, and Sunday afternoons. Sunday afternoon is usually the only one where there is room in the auditorium. Ones my daughter has been in are the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe....Pirates of Penzance... Seussical the Musical... Get Smart..... and Bye Bye Birdie...I can't remember the others. They do a fabulous job!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: High school shows
I remember going as a child.. this is a great reminder. I have 2 that are just starting high school and living on a military base, I think this is a wonderful idea! We will be going to the next one I find out about! - What a great idea for date night!

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: High school shows
I just made a card and I'm sending it to the drama coach and the cast and crew of the show telling them what a great job they are doing.

There is a lot of support for the sports here - lets see some for the arts!
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: High school shows
I LOVE Arsenic and Old Lace, too! I actually have a copy of a very very old script, too!
When I lived at home I tried to go to as many productions at my HS as I could, but to be honest, I got sick of it. Especially because it was the same 10 kids over and over again - I knew the director and I knew she played favorites, so the shows got repetitive. And I'd heard that from other people, as well... I think that's a big part of why people stopped going... it just wasn't fun anymore. They knew who they were going to see, and what their acting skills were like (seriously, they weren't dynamic at all - I think they assumed they were doing everything right because they kept being chosen, so they didn't even try.)

I know it really helps when they give at least 1 free ticket to students, so they can go and see the shows and then if they like it, they bring friends and family. College productions seem to be much more exciting, to me... I guess because there are so many more students, and more money, of course. :)

I'm excited for the spring production of The Odd Couple... I swear if I thought I could handle it, I would audition :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: High school shows
I love them! We don't have kids, but I was able to go to my former boss's daughters' shows for several years - I got to see Joseph, Beauty & the Beast, Grease, lots of good ones, and the quality was very good. That school is far away and the close one has really good shows but I'm not comfortable going when I don't know anyone there.
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Cherry Tart

Re: High school shows
we used to go all the time when i was younger. I think now days they have to much competition. ( movies, tvs, dvrs, sports events) My children have been to musicals and plays. But i know a lot of their friends have never gone to either!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: High school shows
My GD was in "Wizard of Oz" and "Peter Pan;" I hope she continues to enjoy acting because she is only in fourth grade! That means I have her performances to look forward to for many years!
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Cherry Cola

Re: High school shows
Wizard of Oz is NOT one of your favorites??? Shame on you! :greenwinkb: I'm wounded to the core! I have found that, unfortunately, people will not go to live theatre these days unless it is based on a popular book or movie. I think this is true of theatre across the board from Broadway to the local high school/community theatres and unless you have a department that really reaches out to the community, it is tough cultivating an audience.

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: High school shows
I just didn't care for the movie. It gets boring in spots.

But the PLAY was Wonderful!

imwickedwitch wrote:Wizard of Oz is NOT one of your favorites??? Shame on you! :greenwinkb: I'm wounded to the core! I have found that, unfortunately, people will not go to live theatre these days unless it is based on a popular book or movie. I think this is true of theatre across the board from Broadway to the local high school/community theatres and unless you have a department that really reaches out to the community, it is tough cultivating an audience.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Re: High school shows
My niece is in a HS production in mid-November and I definitely plan to go. It is her senior year - she had a leading role last year - and I have never seen her in a production. I always find out about it after the fact - maybe she thinks relatives won't drive an hour -but I would!
I loved watching my sister's two kids in show choir performances - secretly hoping abby will have an interest someday. I love music and want to find time to go to more of the local HS performances...even if I don't know any of the kids... They are always fantastic.
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Cherry Crush

Re: High school shows
I love them, too, which is why I have been involved in directing ours the past 7 years. :-D When we started, we didn't have much of an audience, but now we sell out! Even against the boys' basketball tournament on opening night last year, we had a near sell-out. It helps to involve the students in as much of the publicity as possible. We did posters, teaser shows for the elementary and high school, special announcements at sporting events, etc.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: High school shows
I love going to the ones at my dd's high school....but the auditorium is usually half full here as well...and we live in a retirement community. I always know a lot of the kids in the shows so we have a great time.
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