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Cherry Tart

Wasn't sure..
Okay I got a few questions but I wasn't sure exactly where to put them {sorry if I went to the wrong place! :winkb:}! These questions might seem a tad silly but in an effort to stay afloat and become a part of this really cool, and I can't say it enough welcoming place I want to ask!

When you go into the gallery how you comment on stuff that is recently posted? When I click on it, it takes me to a main page with many different areas. Is there is a place where I can go to see what is newly posted to comment on? I want to give the love ya know!

Friday nights are chatting, I sort-of followed along {man you guys are a chatty bunch! Yeah you!} and realized there is the chat button where the community tag is. Does that work? Is there some secret chat society that I long to be a part of so I can actually follow along? :)

This isn't really a question per-say.. But I think the point system here is extremely unique. Maybe I haven't been all over the place as far as boards go, I dunno. But I've not seen anything like this. And while I am genuine when I am chatting, commenting, etc. it is WAY COOL to get points. Because this means I can chat it up and shop it up!!! Hee. Hee. :-D

And am I doing the challenges right? I saw them in a thread, clicked on the thread and was amazed at all the challenges being listed. Are these challenges different from other one's or do the challenges get posted each week? Does that make sense? I figured since they were all posted, I'd get out my trusty notebook, write them all down and start doing them! Nothing better than some serious mojo help, huh? But I wasn't sure if I was to hold off posting the one's I do or not?

Also, did I not read right? Is there no way to do a quick reply in posts or am I seriously needing those bi-focals?

Okay I think in my little brain that's all the questions I have right now! :) Thanks for putting up with them!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Wasn't sure..
OK, I'll take a stab at some of the questions...

Folks like to use the message board for chatting instead of the chat room because they want the points they get from posting on the message board.

I think if you just click on "show all" in the gallery it will show all of the recent posts in all of the categorys (digital, cards, etc). Then you have to click on the picture to see it big and get the comments section at the bottom. Once you click on a picture and get it big, there should be prev and next places to click in the upper right (except there seems to be some bug and it doesn't always do that for the first pic).

Most challenges run for the calendar month.

And no, there is not a quick reply. This board is custom software, not v-bulletin :-D
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Wasn't sure..
and am I doing the challenges right? I saw them in a thread, clicked on the thread and was amazed at all the challenges being listed. Are these challenges different from other one's or do the challenges get posted each week? Does that make sense? I figured since they were all posted, I'd get out my trusty notebook, write them all down and start doing them! Nothing better than some serious mojo help, huh? But I wasn't sure if I was to hold off posting the one's I do or not?

I'm going to add what I know. There are monthly challenges that Jess (currently) posts a link usually the 1st day or very close to it day of the month.

1. There are the challenges put out by the person who got picked to be the guest creative team member.
2. I just figured this out last week :bluewinka: there are challenges put out by the person who got picked to be the Digi - Guest Creative Team member and they sometimes (maybe all) include paste eaters too.

3. There are some groups like Hockey Cherries - the person running that posts challenges for us too.
4. Then sometimes random cherries - like Ayla (Nancy) posts challenges on her birthday week and gave out gift certificates.
5. There is one about using your old supply stash going on too -
6. Then the month long challenge that just started back up last week.

um and I'm sure there are more I just can't think of any of the top of my head
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Cherry Bing

Re: Wasn't sure..
There are also some challenges that guest CTs run that don't have a spot in the gallery so you'd just post your entry back to the thread. They usually have a little different due dates then the monthly ones. Make sure when you submit your layout into a challenge (which you can do at any time before the deadline) that you select which challenge it's for, that way it gets in the right place so you'll be entered into the random points drawing. Challenges are what started me here and really got me to scrapping again after a long hiatus. Have fun and if you need any help at all, ask away! :-D
Danna :)

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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Wasn't sure..
Thanks for jumping in with answers to these questions ladies...I think you've got all the right answers, so I won't add to them. :-D

And welcome to the board're going to have a bunch of fun here!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Wasn't sure..
Thank you for answering my questions everyone! :-D
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Wasn't sure..
here is where you can find many contests
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Wasn't sure..
I'm not sure if this was answered clearly or not, but basically all of the layouts/project you see when you first enter the Gallery are the ones posted most recently! You can customize your Gallery 'home page,' so to speak, but once you enter you should be seeing LO's posted today, then they go backwards chronologically. Now when you search for something that's not necessarily true, but just browsing the Gallery those are the ones you'll get!
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Cherry Bomb

Welcome!!! This a great place to get ideas, join in the chats and generally just have fun!!! Enjoy!!!
An expert at anything was once a beginner!

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Cherry Crush

Re: Wasn't sure..
Folks, this original post is from 2010. ;)  Some software developer, spammer, then posted on it bringing it back to the top.  I would say, please don't comment on it, anymore. ;)
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