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Cherry Jubilee

Flowers on friday #17....9/24
A few weeks back we made a crepe paper flower, well, I still had a bunch of it left over and while I was stalking blogs this week I found this idea.

You will need to circles of cardstock and crepe paper. Image

Cover the outside of edge of your larger circle with adhesive. Then we are going to do a fan fold of the crepe paper all the way around the circle. This does not have to be exact.




Then repeat with your second circle.


I then put the smaller circle on top of the larger one and adhered.


Next, cover the exposed area of the top circle and fan fold around the center.
you will end up with a three layer flower. Image

Here is my completed layout using this flower. I sprayed mine with Glimmer mist and added a center with ribbon.


I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. If you should happen to play along , post to this post by Friday..October 8th and you could be eligible for some random pointage.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Thanks for another cute flower. I like the glimmer mist effect.
Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Great flower tutorial and gorgeous LO! Can't wait to try this flower on one of my LOS.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Bing

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Love this! For some reason I have decided to hoard crepe paper. I can never throw it away after the party if over and it gets added to a box. Finally, something I can use it for!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Very pretty. Do you need to spray the crepe paper with archival spray?
 Image Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Love these! Thanks.

Image Image
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Fabulous!! I LOVE the other crepe paper flower and this one looks like it will be added to my collection too!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
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Digital Designers

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
How cool, thanks for the tutorial
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Oh Wow! I am really in love with this one! I too bought a roll one the last one. I will be adding this to a LO sometime this weekend! Love it! Thanx girl!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Bing

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
Question - when you fanfold the crepe paper, do you have to adhere each fold or does the fold stay on its own?
- Jan

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
jannyf wrote:Question - when you fanfold the crepe paper, do you have to adhere each fold or does the fold stay on its own?

if you run a row of adhesive around the edge the fanfolds will adhere to that ..because you are woking in a circle you have a little bit of an angle to your folds and it is usually enough to hold it.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #17....9/24
These floImagewers were super easy and fun to make.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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