Most scrappers I know are way behind with their scrapbooking. I know I am! So for this challenge you will need to scrapbook a photo (or photos) that are at least five years old. Be sure to include the date somewhere on your layout.
Please post your layout in the correct category in the gallery. All layouts are due Tuesday at 11:59pm EST time.
[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89] [/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89] [/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89][/img:22hb4o89]
This challenge is perfect...i have been working on a scrapbook for my h.s. sweetheart....we reconnected several months ago...he kept all of our pics and stuff, but they were in a I am making him a scrapbook.
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.