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Cherry Garcia

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
imwickedwitch wrote:I really have trouble with blanket statements such as " ALL Muslims want to kill the infidel, ALL Muslims want to take over the world and subjugate women. ALL Christians believe in a loving God and ALL Muslims believe in a vengeful God" There are plenty of examples of Christians who DO believe in converting the entire country to their narrow, vengeful, hate-filled, subjugating beliefs:

Westboro Baptist Church (mentioned above. I find it interesting, though that these hate-mongers protested the funerals of gay men for YEARS with no backlash but as soon as they started protesting military funerals people were outraged) Here's a documentary that was aired on the BBC of just how loving their Christian God is: ... n-america/

Traditional Values Coalition (46,000 churches are members)

Catholic Apologetics International

Christian Identity

Chalcedon Foundation: this Christian church wishes to replace our democracy with a theocracy "We believe that the whole Word of God must be applied to all of life. It is not only our duty as individuals, families and churches to be Christian, but it is also the duty of the state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere to be under Christ the King. Nothing is exempt from His dominion. We must live by His Word, not our own."

I am more scared of these groups operating in our own country than radical Musilim terrorists.

This sounds like a conversation we just had in my household tonight! :) My ds has a friend who is a muslim and we were talking about how different the Muslim religion is. I know nothing about the religion, but I was telling him that there are extremist in every religion like the the Westboro Baptist church is extreme in the Christian religion. Its not the religion itself its the whackos that give it a bad name. I am a Christian and I find the groups that you mentioned very offensive as I am sure that Muslims find the terrorist offensive as well. But there is a part of me, because of lack of knowledge that is a little apprehensive of Muslims in general. You hear so much negative of their beliefs in the media, its hard not to be negative as well.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
joeybrat2 wrote:
3 Pals wrote:Image FYI - there has been a great deal of misinformation out there regarding the valididty of his citizenship and even more disproving these theories... do you really think someoen could fake this and become the president of the most powerful country in the world?

I can make that in photoshop ;)

Thank you! I don't see any official seal on this either.... Not that it really is a big deal to me. And to be honest--with every president there are always complaints and people unhappy! Back in the primaries--I had really wished Obama and Hillary had been in different parties! I thought it would be great to have an election where there was an African American and a woman running on the ballot.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
Boy, I'd love to chime in, have SO many opinions about this topic, but don't want to create controversy!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
Wow! You sure got the boards going with this one;) Ha! Personally, I do see the world changing for the worse around us. I try to rely on my faith and this verse speaks volumes to me in any bleak situation: Romans 8:28 says "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom He has called according to His plan." No matter what comes our way, He will see His children through it and bring blessing upon them.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
sherry wrote:Boy, I'd love to chime in, have SO many opinions about this topic, but don't want to create controversy!
I am the same way but I agree with lilkoala3, and want to add that anyone can be extremist, any religion.. Some people just take things way too far. It's a bit out of hand, and I will stop there!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
I thought his name was Barry not Barack. Isn't that what a birth certificate should say? I mean, I thought you could legally change your name, but your birth certificate stays the same.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
I'm not EVEN gonna get into this!! Except to say ....CRUSADES.!!!! If you've never studied that era in history, you should!

As for the birth certificate........John McCain was born in Panama!!! No one can disprove that Obama was born in Hawaii.. WERE YOU PRESENT AT HIS BIRTH?? His Mama (a U.S. Citizen) says he was born there, his grandparents said he was born there and the state of Hawaii says he was born there!! Why does anyone feel the need to doubt their words?

As for the world coming to an end............I'm sure my grandparents felt that way during the Great Depression.

and then there's this: ... ing-uganda

which is so very wrong!!!
Image Charlene
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Cherry Cola

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
(((ondrea crawls back under her rock where it's safe & warm)))
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
Of course, there are huge variances within any religion of what the followers believe. So I will reword my earlier statement and correct it to say this: The Bible says that God loves us; the Koran does not (according to scholars; I admit I have not read it personally). No matter what else happens beyond that, there's a huge fundamental difference. It would probably be safe to say "most" Christians believe in a loving God, but I doubt any Muslims do, or if so very few, and that has to affect how people act.

(and, um, someone has read this far and is concerned about "creating" controversy, lol?! Not a worry, jump right in!)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
I have skimmed through most all of this thread! And I don't really really worry about stepping on toes...with that being said, I can honestly say I do NOT care for the current president. As a citizen of the United States I have a right to say that and feel that way. This is what we should all remember!!! I do agree with several that Obama is not at fault for ALL of our problems. Other presidents...several...have gotten us into this mess...I DO NOT feel that Obama will get us out...not just because I don't like him, but because it will take longer than 4-8 years...Rome was not built in a day.

As far as the health care reform...I truly feel for those who do not have health insurance. My fiance does not have insurance...he is in construction...and really needs it. However, he does not have it. Again, I truly feel for the ones who don't have it...but this CRAP that Obama calls a health care reform is just that CRAP.

Again, Obama will not fix will take much longer than he will have in office...I do feel it will get better at some point...

Lastly, I do not think anyone knows when the END is and I don't think it will happen when anyone expects it.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
Wow, been a good read.

What I do know from history. Each generation has something that worries them just as we seem today. We aren't very good at learning that though. Read the Sisters of Henry VIII and Wives of Henry VIII you will discover relationships with other countries haven't changed a whole lot.

As for religion, Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the same God. How we go about our beliefs is the difference. But people are people. They concern themselves with the very same things every other person does on a daily basis. When it comes to Ephesians 5:22 I just laugh. Men use it to say we have to be subservient to them. Women use it to complain. My mother spouted off about that verse just after I heard my pastor speak on the entire chapter of Ephesians 5. I grab my mother's Bible, carried it to her to read the entire chapter. I then asked, 'Who got more instruction in this chapter and has more responsibility to relationships in the family and with the church?' It sure wasn't me, it was my husband. All I was told to do was to honor my husband when it came to his leadership in the family. Taking a verse without studying what is written above and below a verse is like believing everything that is said on a conservative talk radio show or liberal talk radio show.

Thought that would be good to lead into politics. Just to make sure everyone understands. Unless an Executive Order is signed by the President then there is nothing he can do without a law being passed by Congress. The President can only do what the Constitution says are granted to the Executive Branch and laws that have been passed by Congress & signed by previous Presidents or he himself has signed. I do not agree with the uncontrolled spending of the last 10 years. If I have to live within my means then so does the government.

Here's another example from history. The Pilgrim's came here to this country to find tolerance for their beliefs. Heck, my ancestors The Pilgrim's were no more tolerant then there being a man in the moon. In fact they were very intolerant. On top of that they were a pack of thieves almost on arrival. They found a stash of grain in what they thought was an abandon Indian village. They took it. 20 years later there was the beginnings of the English driving the Indians out. That went on for centuries and still is. Please tell me why it can take sixty years to probate a will if you are a Native American in this country? Please tell me why Congress can not fix that one tiny little thing? Government can't fix anything, but they sure can make it worse.

Health care.....not touching it with a ten foot pole. Just because of my age I have been priced out of health insurance for the time being. We are digging out of some debt we incurred over the last year because of the recession and Lynn's Gall Bladder Surgery which was over $50,000 and we were insured at the time.

As for more problems with earthquakes and weather. First, the majority of the scientific community has debunked "Global Warming." New buzz word "Climate Change." Geezzzz. Our earth is just doing what it does with a little help from the sun on the weather. As for earthquakes, that's easy too. We have more sensors set up around the country and world. You can even go online to see where the ground shakes everyday. Kinda cool. Our earth has and continues to change. It's not stopping anytime soon.

As for there seeming to be more natural disasters. I don't think it is up statistically enough to warrant and OH MY Gosh response. Compared to when I was Leslie's age of 28 we live in a very different world when it comes to communication. It is instant communication now. CNN was a young network, FOX didn't exist. The news outlets now are fighting for the "scoop." And I'm kinda tired of the OH MY GOSH, IT'S BAD OUT THERE! reporting. Everything has to be sensationalized for ratings and advertising. The earth has an average total of seven major earthquakes a year. We had four by Feb. Heard of any since?

There is one thing God has given me. The ability to turn all my worries and concerns over to him. How I react to any given situation is totally up to me. I can have that "OH MY GOSH" reaction of I can sit back and watch the world go buy. LOL, Everyday I get to watch Lexie (one of our cows) who spends most of her days right along side of her mother. She is the epitome of being able to watch the world go by better then any other cow on the ranch. Nothing phases that cow, she is always calm, cool and collected. I think being a bully until she got pregnant for the first time made her realize how futile it is to get all in a dither over something all the time. No one, not even her mother would stand up for her when she was bullying others around her. I am just one person who can make a better place for me first then help those who need to be in a better place. Our country is the most giving country in the world! Let's not stop, I like I can hold my head high that I'm a US Citizen. :-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
lilkoala3 wrote:I thought the bible tells women to submit to their husbands??? It's been awhile since I've read the Bible, but if I remember correctly, women aren't treated as equal to men.

Let me just quote what our pastor repeats many times...."the bible was not written TO us, but FOR us." It was written in an ancient world, ancient times. The world is not as it once was, but the Bible still serves as God's love letter to how we should live so that we can be with the Father forever - where there is no pain, no worries. That's my personal live with the Father Creator in a New World for eternity - not by works, but by and through the gift of grace.
Rita S

Life is about second chances. There would be no hope if God didn't give us another.

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
Yeah - things scare me too.

But it doesn't mean that 2012 is the end of the world. Only God knows that. But I do believe that there will be a big change.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
I don't know about the 2012 thing- the Bible says that only the Father (God) knows for certain when Jesus will return. And I realize not everyone on this board believes that either, not trying to step on toes, just going by what I believe.
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JDs Mom

Cherry Bomb

Re: Does anyone feel like the world is coming to an end?
While I think hearty debate and discussion is wonderful and we normally we do a great job here without anyone getting too hot under the collar, I vote we retire this thread before it really starts getting really ugly. Politics and religion wrapped together in one thread? Ondrea, move over and make some room under that rock!!

ACOT May 2010 Digi Guest CT

formerly CT for Merkeley Designs, Sus Designs and E-scape and Scrap...

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