This weeks is another really quick one....less a flower than some others...but I still thought I would share because it is perfect for all your summer layouts.
You are going to start with a square...whatever size you want is good.. I am demonstrating with a 2 inch square. I recommend a paper for this that has 2 sides that you like, as you will see both sides.

Chose a side and make an X on the back in light pencil( mine is darker so you can see it) Make sure you go from corner to corner and cross in the center.

Now you are going to cut from each corner towards the center on your pencil line..but stop short of center,,atleast 1/4 of an inch.

Chose a corner and fold the top half of it to the center and adhere...glue dots.

turn and fold in the next corner and adhere,

then the next,

and then the last.

This gives you a very cute and easy pinwheel...just top with your choice of centers

Here is my completed layout using this flower....note..I did not like my reverse paper so I adhered to pink squares together to make mine.

If you find the time to give this tutorial a try post it to this thread by Thursday July 8, at midnight and you will have your name thrown into the hat for some points. Have fun can't wait to see how you use this.