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Cherry Jubilee

Flowers on friday #14....June 25
This week we are doing a bit of a dimensional flower.

You will need to start with 4( I only show 3 because after I finished I realized I really needed another set) pieces of paper 6 inches by 2 inches.Image

Then you are going to cut these into triangles....I do mine like this
Image Lining up opposite corners on the cutting edge then cutting. You will end up with 8 triangles

Starting at the wide end of your triangles you are going to roll them up....
keeping rolling until you get to the last 1/2 inch or so...then apply adhesive...I prefer liquid

Image and then roll the rest of the way.Image I put mine in a clip to dry..like this.ImageThat way I can roll the next ones while they dry and not have to hold each one.

Cut/punch a scrap piece of paper..this will be the base to adhere all your petals to
Image add adhesive and adhere your petals Image

then top with your choice of flower center, add some leaves, bling, swirls whatever your heart desires. I added a large circle to the top of mine.


Here is the completed page I used mine on.


give it a try...I would love to see what you can do with this...and if you do post to this thread by next Thursday, July 2 at midnight...OMG( cant believe it will be JULY!......) and you will be eligible for some random points!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
I'm out the door to my crop and printed! Can't wait to uploaded a layout with this flower!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Super cute! I can see making a sunshine with this technique as well!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
That flower is too cute!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25

I always mean to do these, but so far the only one I have done is the crepe paper flower. I absolutely LOVE that one and have made bunches so that I have a stash on hand :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
How cute is that!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Really cute flower! I think this will look good on a boy LO too! Wow did I find a really cute way to use this! Check it out!

~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Cool- I'm going to try it!
**Crystal** Scrapping, knitting mama to 3 girls!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
These seem very versatile. They could probably be strung on a string like beads for.... something. They made a great sun on your LO. Thanks for the instructions.

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Cherry Berry

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Oh Yes! I can see myself doing some flowers with this technique. I like it for a sun as well. It is summer after all!

Can't wait to get home and try it!
From Puerto Rico, now living in Texas! 
My Blog: In This Little Corner
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
averys_mom wrote:Super cute! I can see making a sunshine with this technique as well!
You took the words right out of my mouth! I soo could have used this on my sunshine lo last night!
Image Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Thank you so much for the flower tutorials. You give such wonderful directions. I was able to make them today and they were very easy.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
meteechtap wrote:Really cute flower! I think this will look good on a boy LO too! Wow did I find a really cute way to use this! Check it out!

What a clever way to use this "Flower" technique!!

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Wild Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
meteechtap wrote:Really cute flower! I think this will look good on a boy LO too! Wow did I find a really cute way to use this! Check it out!


What a clever way to use this flower! Great LO!
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
meteechtap wrote:Really cute flower! I think this will look good on a boy LO too! Wow did I find a really cute way to use this! Check it out!


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Wild Cherry

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
This is my LO with my flower.

Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
Retiree3 wrote:This is my LO with my flower.


this looks fantastic....love the swirls you added
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
I love it as a ship's wheel. i might have to use that too :)
Kat >^..^<

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Cherry Cola

Re: Flowers on friday #14....June 25
oh cute!! I have to try this for a sun!!
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