Which of the following would you prefer to live without....internet, phone, radio,or television?
If I have the other 3, living without television would be the easiest for me
[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/c ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://creative.ak.fbcdn.net/v41818/fly ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://pagemaps.com/images/blinkies/PMBlinkie88x33.gif[/img:22hb4o89]
[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/c ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://creative.ak.fbcdn.net/v41818/fly ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://pagemaps.com/images/blinkies/PMBlinkie88x33.gif[/img:22hb4o89]
Definitely Radio... I hate radio stations these days... (and no one said anything about living without MUSIC! Yay for MP3 players!)
T.V...and radio....internet and phone are a must. I could still listen to the music on my phone!
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.
TV no problem
Gine !!!
Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
Easily the radio- I just use my Ipod as it is. My phone would be second...
**Crystal** Scrapping, knitting mama to 3 girls!
I could live without a radio.
When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
I need my radio/music and internet
I need my radio/music and internet
- Shannon
I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball
I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball