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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
I just can't believe it, :(
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
my honest opinion is that this whole story went a bit overboard! Its a dance competition, yes the costumes could have been less revealing, but as far as what someone else said, i have seen girls walk in the mall with skirts that if they bent over the whole world could see there tonsils. Was the dancing a bit inappropriate? maybe for the age group yes but i have seen a lot worse. check out youtube and search Reggaeton and your eyes will fall out of your heads...
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Cherry Crush

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
When people say things like "girls wear much worse at the mall" or "girls cover less than that at the beach", I always find myself saying "So what?" Just because it's how some girls dress doesn't mean it should be acceptable for all girls. And I agree that the girls are great dancers. Someone mentioned that their dancing is like acting. I can't believe that anyone would want their child "acting" that way. I wouldn't have believed it even if the costumes were calico dresses from the 1800's. I just think that dance moves like that are intended to be provocative. And to see 8 year olds being provocative really makes me sick to my stomach and very, very sad.
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Cola

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
My younger sister was in ballet, tap and jazz for many years - until she was diagnosed with a scolosis and had to wear a huge Milwaukee brace. She was fantastic - could do a back bend anywhere, any time. I went to all her performances (it was a dance school) and they were always really, really good. If they had been told to wear those costumes and use those moves in a dance, my Mom (and all the other Moms) would have pulled their kids out of there so fast the instructor's head would be spinning. Even the older girls, high school and above, wore amazing costumes that covered their bodies. The older girls danced to the songs of the times (late 60's, early 70's) - but they never were dressed like tarts!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
Anyone ever see the Biography Channel of Shirley Temple Black? Shirley's first roles were in short features that were called "Baby Burlesques" with little kids doing parodies of other movies and acting like married couples and even kissing. It was considered cute, inocent and funny back then, but you see it nowadays and cringe. The knowledge of how many pedofiles there are out there now and how they act on their urges has changed society. The naked baby on the bearskin rug used to be a classic pose, but not anymore.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
I just watched the video and some of the parents responses on TV right before I came up here on the PC. I know for a fact I would never let my daughter participate in that performance nor in the costume. My daughter cheer and some of the teams have rather risky uniforms. DD would be pulled from the team if our park changed uniforms
Gine !!!

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Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
The video has been removed, and I'm glad. That's all I'm saying about that.

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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
Ashjoy wrote:The video has been removed, and I'm glad. That's all I'm saying about that.

The link to this video has been pulled. There are other versions of the video on there still.
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
Laura wrote:When people say things like "girls wear much worse at the mall" or "girls cover less than that at the beach", I always find myself saying "So what?" Just because it's how some girls dress doesn't mean it should be acceptable for all girls. And I agree that the girls are great dancers. Someone mentioned that their dancing is like acting. I can't believe that anyone would want their child "acting" that way. I wouldn't have believed it even if the costumes were calico dresses from the 1800's. I just think that dance moves like that are intended to be provocative. And to see 8 year olds being provocative really makes me sick to my stomach and very, very sad.

I absolutely agree with everything you are saying.. .Don't get me wrong... But i honestly think that people are over reacting over something that really doesn't merit the Video time, internet time, and even discussion time... As a mother of 3 what each person does with their kids is none of my business, the best each and everyone of us can do is to teach our own kids what is proper or not, how to respect ourselves and hope that one day they do the same with their own children..

This is what we need to worry about. the huge oil spill, the floods, the JOB and Financial situation, the homeless in our own country and so much other things that are way more important.

Sorry that is just my opinion.. and since we all live in this GREAT LAND.. we are all entitled to it.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
Beatriz, I do worry about those things - all the time. However, as a mom, I can't honestly say that those aren't any more important than how our children are treated, viewed and potentially victimized.

You certainly don't have to apologize for having an opinion. I am in no way upset with anyone for having an opinion (except those that resort to name calling to make their point). You're right, we're all entitled to it, so post away!

Have a good day!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
jjenni08 wrote:I know I will get slammed here I am sure, but I don't really find it that wrong. They are wearing nothing less than what kids wear to the beach. Bikini's cover less so the costume is completely tasteful to me. I think its cute. It is a COSTUME. As far as the dancing, its kind of like acting. You do it on stage and you live a normal life off the stage. I as well as my sister used to be a dancer (many moons ago). As far as pervs looking at the video and getting off on it (which is what a lot of people have commented to....on You Tube and stuff), you can't help what others do. If we all lived our lives afraid of what other people might do, see, think, or hear we would all be in trouble. Reality is, this is how people dance these days.

I will not slam you cuz I wasn't offended by it either.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
I just don't understand the outfits... Beyonce's wasn't even that bad.. if they had the one piece on i could have let it go.. that being said I didn't watch the video but did see the photos and those outfits looked like well slutty, even if a grown woman would have worn it... I am not saying they are just why have them wear it if it's not.. who looks at an outfit like that and says cute.. no you say hot and why the hello would you want someone thinking a little girl was hot! I'd rather them have on pink bathing suits than adult "night wear" gag!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Young Girls Dance Routine
I had seen this video a couple of weeks ago when it started circulating on the internet. I know that those girls worked hard and they are very talented dancers. However I think that with some adjustments to the costumes and a few of the dance moves, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. I have three boys, not girls, so I don't know how I would feel if it were my daughter, but my first reaction was that it was not age appropriate for them. I wonder what the other dance team routines were like. Were they more of the same and just didn't get posted on the net, or was it alot cleaner? Did they have to do this kind of routine to stay competitive in the competition?
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