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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Hungar, should it be happening in America?
I arrived home from my Mother-in-Law's furious, just fit to be tied! I went with my MIL to WalMart so she could go grocery shopping. I was filling her basket with things I found she needed and didn't have in the house. With current inflation her income is down. We give her additional money each month and we are glad to help out. I finally had to look at her and say, I'm paying for the groceries today. I smiled as I told her she had a choice on some things but not on others I put in the basket. An example was I asked if she needed any cheese; slices or brick, cheddar or colby since she likes cheese and she always has colby or cheddar. Took me a moment to find the colby and I grabbed the first brick I saw. It happened to be the largest. She was taken aback, 'Oh make a quick snack for Blake with the cheese by cutting in cubes.' She smiled and said she hadn't thought of that.

We arrived in line and the line we were in was stalled by the woman in front of us. As time went by I noticed she hadn't left and we'd been in line and checking out for 20 minutes. This woman was my mother-in-law's age, her debt card had been refused and her check, too. She need the scooter cart just like my MIL. I went to the ATM and took out the max and payed for my Mother-in-Law's groceries. I had enough left I made our cashier take the money over and pay for the woman's groceries, keeping me anonymous. I didn't want her to feel bad. Yes, I payed it forward and I feel good for helping her out. But what about next week? and the week after? My heart just breaks and I tear up just thinking about it. I tear up thinking of holding my MIL when she started to cry at my generosity.

But......I'm really furious, angry beyond belief. No one in this country should ever go hungry, not ever! I and others on the board grow food for each of you. We have an abundance every year, enough to feed the most of the rest of the world. I'm mad at special interest groups through their lobbying who want to cause the price of food to rise when it doesn't need to be done. All the while those groups are just flat out lying to you. I am mad at people who think they know how we should grow your food when it is the most researched and dynamic production system in the world. I'm mad at both sides of the isle in Congress, I'm mad at the President and his administration for not stopping their wild spending and driving this economy further in the hole. I'm mad at them for reducing Social Security payments and Medicare to our seniors. It's just plane wrong. Keep in the back of your mind approximately 37,000,000 million people will go to bed hungry tonight in OUR COUNTRY! IT'S FLAT WRONG!

Thank you for letting me rant!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Thank you for being so generous today. I agree that we shouldn't have this problem in our country. And if more people were like you and did a part to help, it would take care of so many people.
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Missy; Wife, Momma to three boys, and a lover of all things crafty!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
i love you.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
scraptag wrote:i love you.
I do too! That was so kind of you.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
I love you, too. No - no one in this great country should be hungry. I regularly donate to my local food bank, and so does my 70 year old mother. Of course, she doesn't have enough to eat, either, but that's ok with her. I help her out and I cook extra and make her small portions to freeze. It makes me SO angry that our elders are starving on Social Security. And medical care or dental care, don't get me started! (((hugs)))
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
scraptag wrote:i love you.


I totally agree..there is NO reason why anyone in America should go without food. It makes me so mad and breaks my heart. You did a wonderful thing today....and here's a big (((HUG))) for you. :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
What a generous heart, Kim!

Hey, everyone! The revolution starts in November with your vote.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
You are so awesome! The small town that I grew up in and still have family that live there was the town that DHL left last year and they laid off 10,000 people of a community of about 13,000. Our town was devastated and so many people are still without jobs myself and my husband are 2 of those people because we both worked there. I started a cleaning business and my husband works 2 jobs to make ends meet. We soooooo need more people like you. I started to cry when I read what you had done. Thank you for being you!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
God bless you..
NO one in this great country should have to go to bed hungry, no one should have to choose between medication or food.

Especialy elders who built this country up to what it is now
Gine !!!

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Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
That was so generous of you , Kim. Unfortunately, if my partner doesn't get on SSI or get even a part time job, we could be in that same boat. We are living off my salary and every bit of it goes to bills. Medical bills have been piling up due to both her and my surgeries this past fiscal year and we can't pay a dime on them. Insurance has paid what they wanted but of course, it never covers everything. The companies pay as little as possible. Reform is definitely needed in that respect. The only reason we've been able to eat this month, is because we bought groceries before I paid the bills. Now that the bills are paid, there's not much left in the bank for the rest of the month and I may have to call my daughter to supplement us. (She already said she would).

This shouldn't be happening to us or anyone else in the U.S.
Image Charlene
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Wild Cherry

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Well...I totally agree that no one should go hungry.
I also agree that you did a wonderful thing.

However, I think the problem goes WAY deeper. There are SO many that take advantage of the system, that really don't NEED it, that those that REALLY DO get forgotten because they don't speak up. I see many that are wearing $200 shoes and complaining that they don't have enough to eat. I see people with iPods and big screen TVs that are demanding food stamps/free food. I worked in a hospital where teenagers came in for free pregnancy tests when I had to pay for mine.

There is a huge segment of our population that has an entitlement philosophy. Until we deal with those people, things will not change....and those that deserve the help won't get it. It is all about the squeaky wheel, and often those that need it the most will not speak up. Sad.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
4peasinourpod wrote:Well...I totally agree that no one should go hungry.
I also agree that you did a wonderful thing.

However, I think the problem goes WAY deeper. There are SO many that take advantage of the system, that really don't NEED it, that those that REALLY DO get forgotten because they don't speak up. I see many that are wearing $200 shoes and complaining that they don't have enough to eat. I see people with iPods and big screen TVs that are demanding food stamps/free food. I worked in a hospital where teenagers came in for free pregnancy tests when I had to pay for mine.

There is a huge segment of our population that has an entitlement philosophy. Until we deal with those people, things will not change....and those that deserve the help won't get it. It is all about the squeaky wheel, and often those that need it the most will not speak up. Sad.
ITA with this! Also I think it was wonderful what you did!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Yes, it's a sad sad world these days. Our church now does a backpack ministry - sending home easy to make foods for kids as young as 2nd grade because they don't get fed on the weekends. Our food pantry use is at an all time high. And, I've paid for someone else's groceries before too.

And, at the same time, we have people taking advantage of welfare, food stamps, and all kinds of government aid but still wanting more handouts.

Wish there was a solution.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Crush

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
4peasinourpod wrote:Well...I totally agree that no one should go hungry.
I also agree that you did a wonderful thing.

However, I think the problem goes WAY deeper. There are SO many that take advantage of the system, that really don't NEED it, that those that REALLY DO get forgotten because they don't speak up. I see many that are wearing $200 shoes and complaining that they don't have enough to eat. I see people with iPods and big screen TVs that are demanding food stamps/free food. I worked in a hospital where teenagers came in for free pregnancy tests when I had to pay for mine.

There is a huge segment of our population that has an entitlement philosophy. Until we deal with those people, things will not change....and those that deserve the help won't get it. It is all about the squeaky wheel, and often those that need it the most will not speak up. Sad.

I agree 100%. Every time I leave the house for Target, the grocery store, wherever, I will ALWAYS see someone on "assistance". It really irritates me to see them in $200 shoes, Tommy Hilfiger shirts, expensive D&B purses, MP3 players hanging out of their ears, texting away on their expensive iPhones. Then, to put the icing on the cake, I watch them get into cars that certainly are not the most frugal option. I'm tired of paying for these people "in need". They make me sick. My grandparents and my hubby's grandparents were actually in positions of having to choose between medication and food. They lived without things like cable television. It was rough for them. We all helped whenever they needed it.

All that being said, I think what you did was WONDERFUL! You are the epitome of what a decent human being should be.
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
So agree with all of you. "We" spend billions of dollars sending food, supplies and money all around the world but do not take care of our own who live here and worked hard and payed their taxes all their lives.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
THANK YOU. Well said. It is so wrong that people in this country go to bed hungry for sure.
I saw someone the other day pay for lunch of one of the Veterans we care for here at the VA. He did not have enough money to pay for his lunch. It was the end of the month and he had run out of money.

the man right behind him paid. the older Vet was upset that he needed help. The younger man said he was honored to pay. I wanted to thank that man, but I did not.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
scraptag wrote:i love you.
I also love you! It sucks that everything goes up execpt for the money coming in. My mom is also on a fixed income and when we have too much food for just us we invite to eat with us or if we go out to eat we invite her along.
Karen Y.

I haven't been an active paper crafter for a while and want to get back in the swing of things!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
you are an amazing lady. You have inspired me today to do something for someone in my community that has less than me. It is frustrating that in our wealthy country we have hungry people and we have a generation of people who feel they are entitled to as much as they can get for free. I do have a suggestion for those of you with elderly parents living on a fixed income. Check into their community for Meals on Wheels. My husband grandma lives on a limited income and he got her set up with Meals on Wheels. She pays I think $1 a meal or a $1 a day and they deliver 2 hot meals a day to her home. Its a wonderful program for our senior citizens who have limited income and limited mobility as well.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Thank you for doing what you did. The world needs more people to do what you did. You will blessed, you already are....

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Cherry Bing

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
You are amazing. On behalf of the lady who will never know who you were, THANK YOU! That is probably the kindest thing anyone has ever done for her and you should not go unthanked, even though I know that is not why you did what you did. I love you too!!!
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Susan Zennario - NJ
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