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Cherry Jubilee

Re: how much do you give?
I usually buy books :) For every baby event. I will do more religious books for a christening. No more than $15-25 though.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Cola

Re: how much do you give?
I think that's just fine. You give what you can give. Tell them if you give $50 you won't have any money for their bday present.

My kids didn't get anything for their baptisms. It was a celebration for becoming a child of Christ. Isn't that enough? Isn't that the best!?
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Wild Cherry

Re: how much do you give?
I think $25.00 is very generous.

Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: how much do you give?
Any amount you feel comfortable with is good. $25 is reasonable. I usually try to give a gift with a religious theme to it. I didn't expect gifts , but when my children were baptized, if the gift was money, it varied from $25 to $50.

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Cherry Bomb

Re: how much do you give?
It's religious ceremony saying you will raise the baby in a Christian household and with Christian beliefs to serve God. (those are my words as you can see I'm not a dictionary)

I really think it depends on the situation. If you are very close and a God parent than a larger amount would be appropriate. If you never see these folks and only get invites to special events than I think 25 would be appropriate.
The other thing to consider is if they are having a catered dinner type event or just a family pot luck to celebrate. I always try to cover the costs of the party as well as a small gift.

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Cherry Blossom

Re: how much do you give?
chrissymia74 wrote:How about a $50 savings bond, that way you are helping save for the future and only spending $25

That is what we have always given and what are friends all gave for us.
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