You need to start with 4 circles...whatever size you desire. I did a couple of sizes and will show you all of them that I did for m completed page.

Now fold them in half. If you would like a flatter flower, adhere them in half....if you would like a more 3-d flower just fold them and do not adhere.

Chose which half circle you want to start with.

Now chose your 2nd half. You are going to adhere this overlapping/underlapping one half of your first piece. Like so....
Now chose your 3rd piece. Again you are going to overlap/underlap this piece directly above the piece you just did and adhere.

Now you will do the same thing with your last piece. This piece can be a little trickier to do because you are have to make sure that the correct piece is over or under.

At this point you can either be finished or fluff each quarter circle a little to give you more dimension.

Now embellish as you desire....add gems, glitter, leaves, swirls....whatever your heart desires. I originally was going to add some leaves to mine, but decided that the page I was using them on was not a flowery type of page, so I kept mine as plain circle embellishments. Just added a single rhinestone to the center of each.
Here is my completed page.

I hope you have enjoyed this simple flower/circle embellishment tutorial. If you have a chance to give it a try this week...upload it to this thread by midnight Thursday May 27 and a random participant/participants will be drawn for some points!