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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: New netflix feature...lovin it
OH---and I'm a member of NF, too. I've watched lots of series on my puter as well on the tv.
We don't have a Wii, but I know about that option, as well.
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: New netflix feature...lovin it
Hmmm... with the closing of our local video stores, Total Video, Hollywood Video, Star Videos... I need to look at the online process. I have a Wii but I only like to watch movies on the weekend... usually 20 in three days! Is there an option for that?? LOL Wonder how much it would cost me??
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: New netflix feature...lovin it
I just saw a commercial on that! looked very interesting! Lol I would have to get a Wii to use it though! Glad to know its really cool though!
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Cherry Delight

Re: New netflix feature...lovin it
For those of you without game systems, there is also a convertor box that you can buy. It runs about $80, but since the Watch Instantly is unlimited, it definitely is cheaper than cable. You can find the link to the box on the Netflix site or search Amazon for Roku.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: New netflix feature...lovin it
that is excellent and I am so glad you brought it up! Do you have to have your WI connected to the internet at the time?

I love love love watching them on my pc while I work. It is really becoming a great value for the $. I only have the $14 pack but between the home delivery of 2 at a time and then the amount I have been downloading it is making it a great bargain.

Glad your family is having fun and thanks for sharing
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