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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
LOL silly ex-husband. Good for you for sticking it to him. And that is great about the whole CPS thing.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
That is awesome!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
LOL... good for you!!! He's a real piece of work isn't he?!?!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
"...she told me I was a wonderful mother and doing great with my kids!" Well, we ALL knew that already, but wasn't that nice to hear? You're so smart to pursue the additional money. You can build up a fund for things like glasses with the extra money! Bravo to you, you smart gal!!!!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Congratulations! Sounds like you and your kids got a really happy ending. :)

I always hate it when divorced parents want to be jerks and put words in their kids mouths... It really agitates me that your daughter never had a problem with it, that the other kids were fine, but he pushed it anyway. What a butthead!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Pahahahahaha! Sometimes dirtbag exes just don't know when to shut up.... o.O
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Well good for you and I'm glad you stood your ground and did what you said. That will show him not to mess with a single mom. I guess some men just think women are too stupid to figure things out on their own. What he doesn't understand is being a single mom has made you a stronger woman.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Oh, sweet justice! I totally love that! What an A_ _! I have a desar friend who is going thru the same problem, they have two DD. He actually tols her not to take her kids to the doctors, because she was making up thier said illness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable! I am so glad that DHS saw thru you ex's "problem" and told you , you were a great mother! Oh Happy Day!!:-D :-D :-D
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
I remember all the updates so glad he got what was coming to him! good for you!! I am glad you stuck to your guns and did it!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
I love it! You go girlfriend! Glad you followed thru on the re-assessment and got the additional $$$ per month.

It was so good to hear too that CPS was in your court about the babysitting issue. Thanks for keeping us posted.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
You have to wonder just what they actually use their brains for sometimes! I'm so glad it all worked out for you and the kids.

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Cherry Berry

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Congrats to you and your kids!
Karen Y.

I haven't been an active paper crafter for a while and want to get back in the swing of things!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
That is just a hoot!!!!!!!! I am so glad this had such a great ending. (And I still think your ex is related to mine! Your story makes me wish I had made him pay the medical bills he was supposed to pay - I may have ended up with a similar story. But he was so nasty that I just wanted him as far away from us as possible. And I knew that anything I did would mean he would be meaner to ds) You have very reason to be happy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Isn't Karma wonderful!
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
I hate men ;)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
That will teach him!!!!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
great news! The only thing better would be if he had to pay for the wasted time of the CPS workers :)
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
Woohoo! I am so happy for you! I hope you put something into the divorce so that he helps pay for college tuition when it comes up! (My friend didn't and now she is struggling to put her two girls through college!)

What the heck--I would ask for the $100---or say-something to him to the effect that you guess you can let the $100 go for now! LOL
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Cherry Bing

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
As a child support worker for 21 years, I love your story!!
Image Charlene
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Anyone want to hear an update re exhubby and CPS?
You go - good job on this I was just reading this to my dd on the phone she loved the end results.
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