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Cherry Bing

Scrapbook Room organized!!
After using my scraproom/guestroom for a "sick room" for nearly a year, I finally got it back to a scrap/guest room!! It looks so good!!

Now if I can just keep it this clean!


More pics in the gallery.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
It looks great, here's the kicker, do you know where everything is? LOL! It so much easier to find thing when it's tossed everywhere isn't it ;) Great Job
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Glad you got your space back for scrapping. Looks good! I'll head to the gallery to see the rest of the pics. But with a clean space, now you have no excuse not to scrap! :-D

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Good for you! Now to create!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Yay! I have a friend scheduled to help me re-organize later this month. I love my room, but I just feel like it is not functional.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Looks great...can you come and do mine :?
Gine !!!

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Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Looks good!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Bing

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
LyndaKay wrote:Glad you got your space back for scrapping. Looks good! I'll head to the gallery to see the rest of the pics. But with a clean space, now you have no excuse not to scrap! :-D
Except, that I have hardly any cardstock, no photo paper and very little patterned paper (except for military and heritage!)

I do know where everything is (for the most part) except for the embellies that are tossed in a drawer or basket! I am in the process of organizing my scraps; by colour. Still have several bags to go. I have a plastic file with a handle with dividers and I did get through a lot of them last night.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Eww...a sick room, that stinks. Glad you are back to having a scrap space so you can a disaster like the rest of us.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Ashjoy wrote:Eww...a sick room, that stinks. Glad you are back to having a scrap space so you can a disaster like the rest of us.

Yeah, no fun! I wasn't really sick..just not very mobile after foot surgery. I'm sure it won't take me long for it to be a disaster again!
Image Charlene
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Well I'm glad you don't need it as a sick room anymore! Enjoy your new scrappy space!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Yay! Now stock up on paper and you'll be all set! :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Great Job! Now get scrappin girl! LOL
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Gosh, it looks wonderful! Now you just have to scrap!!!!

With everyone organizing I've gotten motivated. I just peeked in to see what was going on with the board and then start on organizing my area. I've done one layout today and told myself for every two layouts done I had had had to start putting them in albums. So I got eight layouts in albums and now out to clean a book shelf.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
wowzers. looks great. love that pen holder.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
No, don't keep it clean. Scrap girl, SCRAP!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Oh Wow! That's nice and tidy. I love your desk too.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
This last week I too decided to clean up my space again. It seems as though I have to organize it at least every couple of months to keep track of everything. Glad to hear you don't have to have a sick room any more and you can once again re-claim your scrap space. Here's some pics of my room. Lots more in my gallery too.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Looks great! I'm organizing mine now. Another day or so and it should be completed.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Scrapbook Room organized!!
Scrappilicious! :)
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