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Cherry Cola

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
AlwaysHappy wrote:I totally support the law. I live in TX and illegals are coming across the Mexico border into TX on a continuous basis. They are using up our resources, bringing in more crime, bringing over diseases like TB or worse, and getting a free ride in the process. Our insurance rates are going up to compensate their medical expenses, which are paid for by TX Medicaid. We have a very real problem with illegals in TX and always have. Anyone who has lived in TX for anytime can spot an illegal a mile away. They never make eye contact, pretend not to understand Engish, don't know how to drive according to our laws, and are cruel to animals. This is a subject I could go on and on about, but I won't say anymore because I could type pages on how I feel about it and I get mad when I talk about it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the Spanish people or their culture IF THEY ARE HERE LEGALLY. My anger is directed towards the illegals.

PS: And another thing my grandparents imigrated to America from Prague CZechoslovakia, in the early 1900's. They came over on a ship (not illegally). Anyone who knows their American history knows that the imigrants had to sign a log when entering an imigration port and had to show papers. They weren't sneaking across the border and hiding in the shadows. They came to America for a better way of life. They weren't coming for a "free ride". They worked hard, learned to speak English, and were law abiding according to our laws. It's an insult to even compare the early imigrants to the illegal alien issues of today.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I am a 3rd generation American. My Great Grandparents on both sides of my family immigrated here from Russia to escape the Tsar. I don't know if they were legal or not. I do know that they became American citizens and were very proud to be here.

-Shannon- wrote:
MLee wrote:
America was built on the backs of immigrants, on the with the hands of the poor, held together with the sweat from those who were escaping from something or someone. This country doesn't belong to "YOU" just because you pay some piddling amount of tax money in your few years of existence here. You all sound just like the southern white mob or the Klan in the 1930's and 40's. You certainly are no better than they were/are.

God help America.

Just because I/We agree with a law that already exists from the federal government that they fail to enforce does not make us just like the Klan! I am not racist, I don't think anyone here said anything that was racist. We are just fed up with the illegals getting everything handed to them on a platter and then they act like they are entitled to more. I don't know where you live but where I live, the population of Mexicans is 30%. When I think of illegals, I think from Mexico. Granted there are illegals from around the world here, but I am willing to bet that those not from south of our borders stay under the radar and don't bleed our system dry of its resources. I have friends that came from Czechoslovakia and they were not here legally. But guess what, they learned the language and aren't getting every benefit handed to them. They did what it took to become legal and become citizens.

No one is saying that they aren't welcome here, just come here legally. That doesn't make one racist, hateful, or a "southern white mob". Geez!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I really do not think this is a liberal or conservative issue. It is an issue of law. I have no problem with legal immigration and to date I've never met any one who is. I urge you to read the federal law and the Arizona law. The Arizona law mirrors the federal law and is actually less stringent then the federal law. A federal officer needs no reason what so ever to ask for papers, all they have to do is ask. Under the AZ law a police officer can not ask for papers with out another law being broken. All of us are required to carry papers, in all of our cases it is a driver license, state ID card (Texas has one if you are unable to qualify for a Drivers License), or Passport, or Birth Certificate. In most cases a Birth Certificate is not always a form of ID. The last time I went in to get a replacement SSI card, 1980's, my Drivers License was not considered a valid form of ID. Under the AZ law if you provide a Drivers License the entire issue is over with. There are all sorts of illegal aliens in this country. It is not just from Central and South America. There are a huge number of Asian illegals, etc.

Also consider at least in my state you can be charged with a misdemeanor if you fail to prove to an officer who you are. This is US citizens and legal aliens. Off to jail you go until they find out who you are.

Everyone has listed all the reasons as to why I also support the AZ bill. It is my understanding that the current Federal Immigration Law has been on the books for at least 50-60 years. Does it need to be redone. No, because Congress has shown in the last year and a half they do not care a hoot about what the majority of citizens want in this country. They also do not care a hoot about what they spend within their own offices regardless of the party affiliation. Please tell me how a Republican Representative spent $9950 on a flight to Europe. It's hard to get to that amount even if you have to purchase your ticket two days before you leave. Congressmen/women and Senators are required to fly economy class. Of course that is not the case with the Speaker of the House and I think she needs to go back to her puddle jumper. But that is off topic.

On the argument of profiling. Whether anyone wants to admit it we all do it. My grandmother preached to me I would be judged on my manners. I was in my mid-20's when it dawned on me she was exactly right. To compare this law whether the Federal Law or AZ law to Nazi Germany in my opinion just promotes hate. I've never found a group of politicians and special interest groups so willing to promote hate in this country as they do in the last two years on any given subject. I heard the same kind of hate statements made during the Health Care Debate. Right now I'm hearing it about the Oilfield Industry. Again, it is both parties doing it. When will it stop? Having worked in the TDCJ you learn how to profile. It keeps you and other employees safe working in a prison. There is body language or situations occurring which can be very dangerous. If you grew up in an urban area then hopefully a parent taught you to avoid situations that would put you in danger. I know my mother did having grown up in NYC. I always knew what was going on around me. I'm glad police officers profile, it means a sober sleepy driver may get pulled over and a life saved. A sober sleepy driver is not breaking any laws. The officer will probably ask for the DL anyway to keep himself safe. But the AZ law doesn't allow for this sober sleepy driver to be detained because he didn't break any laws. And that officer would be in deep trouble if he did detain that driver.

This is a passionate issue, it raises a huge number of hackles. The joy in a discussion about any issue is we all are able to express our opinions in this country freely. Keep in mind if you read something one wrote and you didn't like what they had to say, there are countries in this world today that do not give their citizens the option to express thoughts freely. Since most of us are women, there are still countries in this world who put us as second class citizens even when women can vote. Remember our world isn't our backyard, our community, county, or state. This is our nation. Lets make sure this fall you vote to make sure we keep having our freedoms!

Anyone going to scrap with me this weekend, maybe since DH wants to go to an equipment auction with his uncle and cousin tomorrow I'll get to work on that hanging calendar! :-D
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
-Shannon- wrote:
MLee wrote:First, how many of you are actual Native Americans? Then most of your ancestors more than likely came here illegally. The majority of our ancestors did NOT come here through Ellis Island, they were poor Irish, Scottish, German or other immigrants who came here to get away from famine, persecution, starvation, to find better working conditions (which most did not) and many of them changed their names, lied, joined the military and many other sneaky, manipulative ways to become "citizens." Now you want to point your finger at those coming across the southern border why? What about those coming in from our northern border? Are they okay because their skin color is fairer? Do you think they work harder? Pay more taxes? Is that your assumption?

How many of you have actually applied for a Visa or a green card in the last year? Are you aware how difficult that is? It's almost impossible for an American trying to work legally abroad, it is downright impossible for someone from South America to get one. Now, try to get citizenship papers. Good Luck.

You and your ancestors had an opportunity that these people will never have because a bunch of rich, white bureaucrats on the US side and a bunch of corrupt officials who want pay offs on their side won't allow the rules to be changed.

So that brings us to AZ.

People in Europe have to travel with papers because there is - simply put - so much travel. There is travel between countries by train, plane and automobile. When you go in and out of those countries you show your passport. It's that simple.

In America, we have one large nation in the center. There are two bordering countries and border guards on either side. There is no longer free travel permitted between the three. However, I am able to travel freely within the parameters of the US. Why, then, as an American citizen, should I be forced to show papers at the drop of a whim to any Tom, Dick or Harry cop?

Our constitution protects its citizens against this very action. If, in fact, these citizens or non-citizens were disobeying the law and were apprehended because of that and THEN it became known that they were here illegally, that would be a different story.

However, as in most cases, this is just another way for cops with an itch in their pants to harass anyone they don't care for: Native Americans, any people of color except RICH WHITE MALES who vote Republican, red haired women who refuse to kiss their collective asses, teenage boys out on a Saturday night. In other words, just as the Jim Crow laws were used in the early 20th century to discriminate against black voters, AZ has now adopted a law that will deliberately and legally allow their law enforcement officials to harass anyone they choose.

This law also violates the 10th amendment by allowing the state to override the laws of the Federal government. Even though I am all for state's rights, as I am constantly reminded by my dear friends here in the north the south lost the war and so Federal law trumps State law. We really don't want to re-ring that old bell again, do we?

Finally, the only country - sole, singular country - that has demanded of its people to give proof of citizenship at the whim and fancy of its armed officials was Nazi Germany. Most countries learned from their mistake. Obviously, by your reactions, not all countries did.

If we are willing to treat other humans the way that Americans treat those who come across our Southern borders, it's only a matter of time before Americans are treated the same. Oh wait.... America already is falling apart and hated by everyone in the world.... I can't imagine why.

America was built on the backs of immigrants, on the with the hands of the poor, held together with the sweat from those who were escaping from something or someone. This country doesn't belong to "YOU" just because you pay some piddling amount of tax money in your few years of existence here. You all sound just like the southern white mob or the Klan in the 1930's and 40's. You certainly are no better than they were/are.

God help America.

I disagree with you and I support the Arizona law 100%.

I doubly ditto Shannon's sentiments.

And how dare you compare me or anyone else concerned for our country to members of the Klan. I am no where near what they are and just because I want the law upheld doesn't mean I am a bad person. That comment disgusts me and the fact that you had to resort to stating that to make your point disgusts me too.
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Cherry Cola

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
cynderellaj wrote:Yes, I agree that our ancestors probably came here illegally and got into the country by the same means that some of these illegals are doing today. However, noone was standing at the border handing out benefits to my ancestors when they came either. Noone was standing there offering interpreters for every single service they needed...they needed to learn how to speak the language and communicate. Noone was there handing out medical services or housing or any other assistance. The majority of them worked hard and got by on whatever they could find. Noone gave them a job just because they needed to show they weren't discriminating but because they were skilled and could do the job.

If a person comes to this country legally and follows the same rules that I have to follow, pays their taxes, etc I say welcome!! But if not, then I am really sorry that things are so crappy in your country, but please go home and come back in the correct way. Thanks!

SO VERY well put!!! What I wanted to say.....
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I totally support the Arizona law.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I am Hispanic, and i agree with this law. If you are taking the time to be involved with Criminal activity then any rights should be taken away and they should be deported! No excuses. Those people with families are most likely not involved in criminal activity.

Now on the other hand if its just a moving violation (forgot your blinker, broken tail light) i think its a bit harsh. But then again sooner or later we are going to have to do something about immigration cause its out of control!

BTW i have not really read up on this law. I have heard comments about it and briefly heard about it in the news.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I haven't read y'all's answers yet, but to me it's a real quandry. Yes, the illegal aliens put a strain on the state/national budget. Doesn't Lady Liberty say, "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor.."? I would be furious if the police stopped me and asked me to see documents proving I'm a citizen. Especially because of color or family size - that's profiling, which is very, very wrong to me. I personally know of no person who would be willing to work in the fields, planting & harvesting crops - I've been led to understand that the people who work the fields are mainly illegal aliens. But they don't get minimum wage; they get a pittance for their hard labor and never get ahead. Even those here legally who work the fields never get ahead. That's so horribly WRONG! I saw on 60 Minutes about Mexicans drowning trying to cross the Amerian Canal. It was voted 5 years ago to put safety lines there so no one wold drown - it hasn't been done and according to the woman who spoke on the half of the department responsible for this, it never will happen! I can see why people try - they're desperate to get a life where they have enough money to live. The U.S. can't support so many illegals. I can't come up with an answer, but I can't believe there's no one in the world who can.

ETA: This business about "we have to guard our borders" makes DH & me laugh. Go to Ely, MN. You can see Canada across Lake Superior. You can see boats from both sides in the waters. And then you will see the sign that says: "If you are entering from Canada, please register at the Visitor's Center in Ely." There is not, at this time, any way to totally "guard" our borders.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.

The posts before mine and most after mine included sentences such as "I'm not a racist but..." "I don't mind 'them' being here but" THEY take from the government and don't give back THEY are bleeding the system dry They are basically the problem with everything that is wrong in our country...

When California cracked down on their illegal immigrants their crops rotted in the fields - there was no one to fill the gap, no one who wanted to go out into the fields and fill the shoes of the migrant workers and the price of your product and fresh fruit and ultimately wine from the grape harvest went up astronomically.

When the feds raided NW AR poultry plants and illegal immigrants were afraid to work in the poultry houses and for Tyson, there was no one in NW Arkansas to fill the gap. No one wanted to work with chicken parts, plucking machines, etc. Not for the wages, not with the mess. White people were too good and no one wanted to the hard labor. Your poultry prices were raised by .50 per pound.

These are just two examples that I know of personally. If you go on the fair wages board you will see countless other stories. They pay taxes just like you do. Most have illegal SS #'s so that they can work so actually they pay into a system from which they will never receive benefits. They pay property taxes on their vehicles, sales taxes on their groceries - they are not leeches on this system.

In the south we have a large group of minorities that live in poverty in the Delta. They neither work, nor attempt to try to find work. It has been this way for several generations. They live off of the system. How are they different from those who come here from Mexico who do actually do work, those who do not accept handouts because they cannot because they stay under the radar? Shall we ship these people off somewhere next?

You have no earthly idea who is or is not here legally. In fact, living in this hispanic neighborhood where I currently live the ONLY illegal I have met is an Australian from the IUPUI (the local university here) because his VISA expired.

I know there are those who are crossing the borders illegally but what is needed is reform on both sides. But that's not really what you want, is it? Your posts have made it clear that you just really want them to go back home. They don't speak English. They're taking away your perceived jobs. They aren't like you. When you talk using verbiage such as us versus them you have already put up a barrier to learning and understanding and that is exactly what they have done in AZ.

Anytime one group discriminates against an entire race of people based on their skin color and ethnicity alone, which most of you have done if you re-read your posts and which the law in AZ condones, then you are going down a slippery slope toward fascism. You can be upset or "disgusted" with me all you want, as I with you. I will gladly go on record as being one who said this and who took a stand. Other countries didn't get where they are today without first allowing laws like this one to slip through first; without first allowing their history books to be rewritten like those in the state of TX. It's a slippery slope and America is on her way down it.

And I will reiterate once more - there are already federal laws on the books that supersede the AZ law. What that state is doing is clearly violating the 10th amendment and they know it. To support it and to support them means you are not supporting the constitution of this country.

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Arizona Immigration Law... Opinions.
I haven't read the law, so I can't speak about it - but from what I do know I don't understand why people are upset about. Isn't it the law to have identification anyway? And the law is not supposed to discriminate against any one race. people are just scared it will target a certain race? This may just be polyanaish of me, but if I were arrested for breaking the law & couldn't prove who I was I would assume I would be treated like any person with blue, green, or purple skin.

And comparing the supporters of this law to natzis is a little extreme. Yes, many of our ancestors immigrated to this country, trying to escape things in their home countries. But I wouldn't have been entitled to an opinion when my ancestors came to this world on the Mayflower because I am a woman. Many people have fought for my right to have my own opinion as well as for those who came to this country by different means since then. The world is much different than it was even 10 years ago. Many laws have changed since then. Is it harsh to detain someone because they are stopped for a minor traffic infraction? If they are driving lawfully, wouldn't they have a driver license?

Would there be as much of an uproar abou the law if it had been initated by another border state such as, say, Montana? Probably not, but we need to remember that terrorisom can come in from all directions. I just ask that if you come to my home, please expect to play by the same rules and standards that I do.
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