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Sweet Cherry Pie

What are you doing for Mother's Day?
I hope all my ACOT friends have a mom, children, or a furry child to spend the day with. I've taken my furry child for her walk and I soon need to log off to head north to visit my mommy.

She is 70 years old, and spunkier than I am (with 4 furry children in her home). She doesn't have internet service, it will be a struggle for me as I'm addicted to these boards as well as FB.

Have a great day no matter how you spend it:)
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Cherry Cola

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Sounds like you have a good day planned. DH & I are taking my sons, their significant others, their kids and Mom to supper at 4:00 p.m. Then we have a party for Mom (which includes my sis & her family) at 6:00 p.m. My sis has promised a really special cake - a twinkie cake. No idea what it is, but I think we have to like twinkies to like the cake. If it has sugar, I'm sure to like it! :-D
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Thanks for the well wishes! As all my kids live away, seeing them will not happen, but they are great at calling which will be nice! DH works, so it will be a very quiet day, which can be nice also.
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Cherry Bing

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Not alot, but that's okay. My 18 y/o is working til 4, my 22 y/o will be home by 1pm or so and my husband is at the flea market. But later today we're all going to an Open House for a dear family friend that graduated on Friday as a Marine. Maybe supper out after that, depends on the crowds!
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Cherry Bing

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Somehow all the moms in the family but me are out of town this weekend so we're doing our big celebration next weekend. Today my husband is going to build me garden boxes and we plan on a trip to Sonic so I can get my cherry limeade and hit the scrapbook store down the block. (Our closest Sonic is about a half hour drive so it's kind of a treat)
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Cherry Cola

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Have a great day with your Mama! I am relaxing this morning, wraping my gifts later, Dinner at my sister's with Mama and Aunt. (my mom and Aunt are twins)
MIL will be here at my house soon with my oldest and we'll give her , her gifts then! Enjoy moms!
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Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
I'm enjoying a nice and relaxing day and even a chance to get on the computer and My sons surprised me with a gift card to Michaels and a pretty hanging basket of flowers for the front porch and a box of DOTS, my favorite candy. 17 yo son off to work and 19 yo just offered to bring home some take out lunch (if he can borrow my car to go pick up his girlfriend) of course I said yes. I'm dying for a cheese burger sub and some fries.
Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Happy Mother's Day Ladies!

DH bought me a beautiful new guitar, so I will be picking strings today - as well as finishing up a few scrapping projects for my Mom, who I will see tomorrow. My older son generally calls me, as he lives in NH. Younger son - I'll see cause he lives with us. Older stepson sent me a lovely card. Younger stepson - nada.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
I think we'll go for a hike or a cycle - looks like it's going to be sunny

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Cherry Garcia

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
We're heading out for an early dinner at Nami (Japanese hibatchi grill) :-D
Gine !!!

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Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!!!
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Cherry Crush

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Cooking dinner for Mom and my aunt (and Dad and my uncle, too). :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
my mom is on the East COast and we are not going to visit my in laws...so we are just hanging at home~ I think we are gonna go make a trip and check out the progress on our new house :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
My Mama and mil have both passed away. I'm home still sick as can be. Don't think I'm ever going to get over this sinus infection and bronchitis. However, my dh did give me a beautiful boquet of roses and a very sweet card this morning. My dd and ds both called me to wish me a happy MD. We will do something next weekend when I'm feeling better.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Larry just left the ranch. I spent a couple of hours working on a layout and have just come back in to work for the rest of the day and evening on finishing up this layout, use my paints for a color pallet to decide which colors to use on the edges of the calendar, and posting on ACOT.

I checked the cows with Larry just before he left, found some interesting colors among the now flowering prickly pear catus. Making a mental note to go back when it is sunny to get photos. It is a lazy cool and cloudy day!

Then I often laugh at what I get as presents from my husband. Mind you never ever girly things.....well sometimes once in a blue moon. Yesterday, my husband purchased a registered longhorn cow for me I found & liked at the TLBAA sale we attended. I can't wait until she is over the stress of the sale to get a picture of her and share. I've gotten to talk with both kids today and opened their present this morning. :-D Some lounge wear, which I'm sorely in need of!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
The NEW Zoo had free admission for moms, a plant and a chocolate bar so my granddaugher and I were at the zoo at 9 am. Then off to church for 10:30; my son and girlfriend came over at noon so we went out for pizza - YUMMY. I volunteered to drive my 3 yo GD one hour north to meet her mom. We weren't in the car five minutes and she was zonked. Arrived home at 4, cut the lawn for an hour before I ran out of gas. The rest of the lawn will wait til tomorrow. Both of my daughters called - one in AZ and one in MN. My son also had flowers delivered to my house yesterday. Very nice surprise. He should've saved his money! I visited the cemetery for Mom's bday on Wed so I didn't go today. Too depressing to go twice in one week. Very nice Mother's Day.
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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
Have fun!!!

I cleaned and took Bella to the pool. Just like any other day here. :winkb:
"Make it bigger, make it badder, make it awesome" -Duff Goldman
"They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible, if you're AWESOME!" -Rhino


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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
I had a great day. Two of my daughters (the third lives in NC), their husbands and my five grandkids came over and brought pizza so no cooking or cleaning.:-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
We had dinner w/ mom and dad last night. DS1 was working today.
Today I met w/ my mom, and we walked around a few stores.
DH made breakfast and dinner and cleaned up after both.
Now, I am back to dealing w/ the remnants of bronchitis.

hoping everyone had a nice Mothers Day, no matter who and how it was spent!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: What are you doing for Mother's Day?
JeanG wrote:Sounds like you have a good day planned. DH & I are taking my sons, their significant others, their kids and Mom to supper at 4:00 p.m. Then we have a party for Mom (which includes my sis & her family) at 6:00 p.m. My sis has promised a really special cake - a twinkie cake. No idea what it is, but I think we have to like twinkies to like the cake. If it has sugar, I'm sure to like it! :-D

My mom has a recipe for Ho Ho cake. It's to DIE FOR.

As far as me, we celebrated with lunch today, and birthday strawberry shortcake. :) Overall, it's been a pretty okay day. :D
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