Now can I get a HUGE THANKS to Kristin (the boss) for providing tons of points and prizes! To all our generous sponsors, ScrapHD and digital designers for donating prize packs and digital prizes! Let's not forget our wonderful tech guy Brandon for keeping the site running smoothly.
A couple of reminders for you before you go....
You can find a complete listing of Challenges here.
All Challenge entries are due by midnight, 11:59 PM EST, Tuesday May 4. (see the <> Official Crop RULES <> for complete details)
Don't forget to enter the Win a Cricut Gypsy Contest due May 15 and the ACOT + ScrapHD *Hybrid* Contest due May 5
Winners of the challenges will be posted later this week, please give us time to collect all eligible entries, select, announce and award all the winners.
The CT and guest hostesses love to see your creations from their challenges, classes and Fast Scraps, even if you don't make the due date, we encourage you to share your layouts and projects with us.
Remember to visit the gallery and give lots and lots of love! Everyone worked so very hard and the gallery is overflowing with awesomeness.

If you'd like to save the date, our next crop will be in August. Be sure you are signed up to receive our Newsletter for info closer to the date.