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Site Admin

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
We can't keep Sharon forever - especially in the middle of the day! What can we look forward to seeing from your team and Prima in the next few months?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
PrimaFlowers wrote:Those aprons are so much fun. I have to be honest. I LOVE working with Prima's our new white Innoscense flower line. SO MUCH FUN to color!!!!

I wondered if that was the intention of all the white flowers I've seen lately from you guys. I imagine they look amazing colored with all the mists on the market right now!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Janet-he is a keeper, girl!

Jess-I know. Who wants to see me after a long day...bleh.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Jess-yes! People said they wanted white flowers to color so we came through!

Heidi-we have SO MUCH stuff coming up! Our blog is hopping every day with ideas for you. If you ever want to see a specific product used just email me and let me know.

As far as NEW stuff! JUST wait until you see the stuff we have for you! Let's just say our designers did an amazing job for the next release!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Oh yes definitely a keeper!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
PrimaFlowers wrote:Shayla-I would do the SAME thing!

Hey, Sally!!! You know I love having a granddaughter. :) Everyone asks if it is my baby! haha.
Glad to know I'm not crazy lol. My husband has learned that I like to collect them and has stopped worrying if I was sending him hints lol!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Heidi-why don't you pick a random winner and let me know who it is so I can send a little PRIMA gift to them! We appreciate each one of you coming out today to chat!
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Site Admin

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
That's great news, Sharon! We'll have to get a separate warehouse for the Prima products alone! :))
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Thanks for posting those links! It was a nice reminder that it only take a few minutes to be *completely inspired* again. :inlove:
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Thank you sharon! It has been awesome chatting with you!
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Site Admin

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Sharon - you've been AWESOME! We appreciate your time. We'll pick a random poster from today's chat and will announce it later on the MB and on facebook! Thanks so much!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
I love chatting with fellow scrappers. we all have so much in common. :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
heidi wrote:That's great news, Sharon! We'll have to get a separate warehouse for the Prima products alone! :))
I don't think they will stay in stock for very long!:-D :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Nice chatting with you Sharon and have a great time in MA! I wish I could go to your class but I'll be in Maine this weekend. Thanks for taking the time to play with us today!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!

Again-if you ever want to see some samples using a certain product feel free to email me and let me know. We love to hear from YOU!!! Prima is on Facebook too! Add us!
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Site Admin

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Bye Sharon! I'll be talking to you soon!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
MAn-I want to go to MAine with you! :)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Bye, everyone! THANKS AGAIN from everyone at Prima. :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
PrimaFlowers wrote:MAn-I want to go to MAine with you! :)

Anytime! It's my home state so I know where the best lobster is. :winkb:
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Cherry Tart

Re: Prima Chat w/Sharon Laakkonen HERE!
Sounds great, Jess! Have a great trip.

Bye, everyone! Thanks for having us on, ACOT!!
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